She was surprised by the evident pleasure in his face. ‘That’s easy. I like all sorts of music. My grandmother was a classical pianist and I guess I’ve inherited her love of music, but unfortunately, none of her talent.’
This was a layer to the boss Sally hadn’t anticipated, but at least they’d stopped talking about dancing.
‘I don’t know much at all about classical music,’ she admitted. ‘Chloe used to take me to concerts though, and since I’ve been living in her house, I’ve been listening to her CDs. They’re mostly classical or jazz and some of them are just gorgeous.’
‘Is there any one piece you particularly like?’
‘Well… ’ She paused. She’d never had a serious discussion about music and she felt a tad pretentious. ‘I’ve discovered an amazing violin concerto. It’s kind of uplifting and sad and joyful all at once.’
‘Which composer?’ Logan was suddenly alert, leaning forward, his dark eyes keenly focused on her.
‘Ah, yes,’ he said softly, almost reverently and, for no reason that she could explain, fine hairs lifted on Sally’s arms. ‘The Brahms violin concerto is one of my favourites, too.’
‘The music’s so powerful,’ she said. ‘And there’s a passage towards the end of the first movement.’
‘Where the music suddenly slows down?’
‘Yes, it’s so beautiful. There’s such a depth of feeling.’
Logan nodded. ‘You have to stop everything and just listen.’
‘And it touches you deep inside in a way that’s impossible to put into words.’
Her boss was looking at her now with an expression of such intense fascination that Sally, without warning, felt as if she wanted to cry.
‘Goodness,’ she said, blinking quickly and trying to make light of the moment. ‘We almost got deep and meaningful there. And you said that’s against the rules.’
He smiled slowly, almost sadly.
‘We’d better think of another question,’ she said. ‘What about travel?’
For a moment, Sally had the distinct impression that he would have preferred to continue talking about music, but then with a little shrug, he asked, ‘Have you travelled?’
‘Not outside Australia. But I’m very keen to go overseas.’
Logan had relaxed again, sitting with an elbow hooked over the back of his chair. ‘If you only had the opportunity to travel to one place overseas, where would it be?’
She grinned at him. ‘You’re really getting into the swing of this.’
‘Answer the question, Miss Finch.’
‘Andyou remembered my surname.’ She looked down and saw that he’d read her nameplate. With a cunning smile, she said, ‘One place overseas? Let me see. I think that would have to be Paris. I’d love to see the Seine and the Champs- Elysées.’
She hesitated, frowning. ‘No, wait a minute. I think, if I can only have one place, it would have to be in Italy. Florence or Venice. Yes, I think I’d definitely choose Venice.’ Chloe had so many beautiful photographs of the canals. All those gorgeous arched bridges, and the gondolas and the old crumbling buildings. ‘Everything there is so full of history.’
‘Brahms loved Vienna.’
‘Well, Vienna would be good, too. Oh, hang, I don’t think I could ever settle for just one place.’
Sally grinned and Logan grinned back at her and the world seemed, suddenly, to be a brighter and more beautiful place.
‘Are you two still chatting?’
They turned to find Janet Keaton bearing down on them.
‘Didn’t you hear me? Time’s well and truly up.’