Page 32 of Strictly Business

P.P.S. And the midnight snacks.

P.P.P.S. And breakfast.

Liam grinned. Maybe now he could stop the lovesick teenager act and get back to running his business. Attending to this report from the Cairns accountant was only a small part of his duties.

His Sydney office coordinated a nationwide operation ranging from harbour tours and Opera House concerts to Kakadu tours and Snowy Mountains skiing holidays. If he was to succeed at making the Cairns business just as big and successful, it was time to focus, man. Focus.

He reached for his diary to check the calls he needed to make.

And at the same moment the telephone rang.

‘Yes, Sally?’

‘An urgent call’s come through for you from Sydney, Mr. Conway.’

‘Thanks. I’ll take it straight away.’

Rita James, his personal assistant in his head office, was always super-calm and efficient, but today, just saying hello, she sounded worried.

‘What’s the problem, Rita?’

‘I’m afraid there’s bad news about Mrs. Conway, Liam.’


The news hithim with the force of a physical blow.

‘Mrs Conway’s housekeeper just rang to say that she’s been admitted to hospital and her condition’s serious.’

Oh, God, no.

He’d been dreading something like this, had feared it might happen while he was away in the north.

‘Do you have a phone number? Can I speak to Julia?’

‘I’m afraid she isn’t well enough to take calls.’

‘Then I’ll have to speak to the housekeeper. I don’t know why Harriet didn’t telephone me first. I gave her my new contact details.’

‘Well, she was calling from the hospital and she sounded very upset. Perhaps she didn’t have your Cairns number with her.’

‘Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’ll have to get on the first available plane.’ He was struggling to stay calm. ‘I assume there’s someone responsible to take care of Jack?’

‘I believe he’s staying at the home of one of his school friends.’

‘Right.’ Liam’s mind whirled. ‘Do you have the details of the hospital? The ward?’ Julia had to have the very best attention.

He jotted down the information Rita gave him.

‘I’m sure she’s in good hands,’ she said, clearly trying to soothe him.

‘Yes, I suppose you’re right. Well, thanks for letting me know, Rita. I’ll – no doubt I’ll see you soon.’ Liam disconnected, ran his hands down his face and pressed his fingers against his eyelids. Hell!

This was not the first time Julia had been rushed to hospital, but that thought did nothing to ease his worry. It was always a nightmare.

Releasing a heart-rending sigh, he touched the button connecting him to Alice’s extension.

‘Alice, I’m sorry. I’m going to have to –’