Page 59 of Bad Reputation

“And they won’t do that again?” Maggie asked.

“I’ll put the fear of God in them.”

“What did they fear before? Waffles?”

Zoya glared at her.

“Should we save the lights?” David asked. “Are we going to film?”

“Yeah, kill the lights. We’re going to take a break and then reevaluate.” Zoya sounded confident about that, and Maggie would guess that making immediate, firm decisions was a life skill for her.

“Maggie,” Cole called. “We’re going to Tasha’s trailer. She wants you.”

“Of course.”

When Tasha emerged from Cole’s chest, her eyes were red and puffy, but she still had more self-possession than most queens Maggie had seen. She led the way, with Cole and Maggie behind.

A security guard joined their procession at the bottom of the ladder, and when they arrived at the trailer, he stayed outside. Inside, Tasha took a seat on the daybed. With her dress, she didn’t fit anywhere else. She took a tissue from the box on the counter and dabbed at her eyes.

Cole leaned up against the kitchenette. Maggie stayed by the door.

“It’s okay if you want to postpone filming,” Maggie said when no one else spoke. “Zoya will understand.” The set’s safety had been breached. Maggie wouldn’t blame Tasha if she wanted to leave the show altogether.

The contract—that might be another matter. But Tasha’s agent could get into all that.

“No. I just need ten minutes,” Tasha said. “Well, and a cold pack for my eyes.”

“I’ll bet the hair and makeup team has some.” Maggie leaned outside and relayed the message to the security guy.

When she came back, Cole looked at Maggie and raised his brows, as if he expected her to provide an explanation.

Maggie shook her head. Whatever was going to be said here, Tasha was going to say it.

Tasha rolled her shoulders back and cracked her neck. Then she faced Cole. “So you know how I told you Vincent was a shit?”


“That might not have been ... the whole story.”


“You’re not going to like it.”

“I’m sure I’m not.”

And then, Tasha told him.

Cole didn’t interrupt her. He didn’t hurry her or ask questions. But by the end of Tasha’s narrative, he was basically a towering inferno. The rage was leaking out of him, poisoning the atmosphere in the trailer, like radiation after a nuclear meltdown.

“He. Did. What?” Cole finally ground out.

“I’m not repeating it. It was bad enough to get through once. Twice, I guess. I told Maggie the other day.”

“And one of the only things Tasha requested was for Vincent Minna not to be on the set,” Maggie explained. “I am just so sorry that he showed up.”

“God, Maggie, this isn’t your fault. I didn’t even realize he’d try it when I said it. I was making a joke.”

“Sick joke.”