“Not a shell, siren, just a different style, dress sense, hair, even skin.”
I chuckle. “Fuck, No.”
“You know the media will come at me for weight gain.”
“You’re a woman, not a waif. The way they kept you and the Vixens was unorthodox. I’m surprised none of you ended up with eating disorders.”
“Mel was a secret bulimic, but it was mostly in reaction to how they wouldn’t let her date females. At sixteen, she was going through a sexual awakening, and they forced her to suppress it. It fucked her up.”
“Fuck. I didn’t know.” Those girls went through a lot more than us, lads. It sickens me, and I have to wonder if they preyed on the children who were less connected to their families. What kind of parent would allow such grueling hardships on their children?
“No one did, except the Vixens and the handlers that the publicists had trailing us wherever we went to control what we said in public.”
“You didn’t have it good, did you?”
Having an intimate relationship with Eden gave us more of an insider view of what they made her and the other girls do. Even when she joined our band, she was forced to maintain an image, and we were aware that she grew to despise that life.
The irony unfolded when the video came out, tarnishing Eden's image in the media. Angry parents of fans who followed her came forth, threatening lawsuits for promoting individuals like her. Little did they know about the dark side of what was forced upon Eden and theVixenswhen they were still minors.
Those accusing parents unwittingly fueled the pockets of those responsible for Eden, acting as enablers for the industry to continue manipulating teenagers into becoming money-making machines.
“Honestly, if I look back on it now as an adult,” Eden replies. “No, we didn’t have it good, but I didn’t know better at the time. I never had parents to step in and object. The rest of the girls had different issues with their parents, so in essence, wewere controlled by Oliver, the label, and our publicists. We signed NDAs to never disclose anything.”
“Eden,” I hesitate because while it’s something that kept on eating at me, I know if I learn the truth, I may go on a killing rampage. “Did they ever … did the bosses ever make you and the girls do things. Inappropriate things?”
“No,” she says firmly, and I relax in relief with her reply. “They groomed us to look a certain part, but they didn’t groom us for prostitution or anything close to that. They never requested it, even if we sometimes got creepy vibes from the older men telling us to be sexy and act like eighteen-year-olds when we were only fourteen. But they never laid a wrong hand on us.”
“And now?” I ask. “Do you plan to stay and see this new venture with us like you initially said?”
“I want to, and I promised Haze I would, but what about Jagger? He made it clear he wants me gone.”
“Eden,” I shake my head from side to side. “Haze won’t let you go. Nor will I or Asher, for that matter. We like having you around. Jagger needs to figure himself out, and while most of it has to do with you, this is his dilemma, which he needs to solve on his own.”
“And you and me?”
“Us?” I stare at her, a little unprepared for the directness of the question.
She nods her head.
“I’m crazy about you, desert siren. But I’m not ready for a relationship with anyone.”
“So, friends with benefits?”
I raise my brow at her. “Is that what you want?”
“No,” she says firmly, “But how do you want to deal with whatever’s happening between us? We fucked recently, and now you’re sitting next to me, and I’m wearing nothing but a white sheet that sits between me and you.”
“Fuck,” I breathe out. “I’m going to have to adjust myself.”
A laugh escapes her. “You're quite crass, aren't you?.”
I respond with a grin. “Consistently so, siren.”
She leans forward and kisses my cheek, and I have no idea what possesses me at this moment, but I turn and catch her lips with my own. It’s the kind of kiss friends don’t have; we linger a little and then move away from each other uncomfortably.
We detach, and there’s no missing the emotion in her heated gaze. It’s more than I’ve ever seen before, and it strikes me speechless.There’s no smile on her lips, only the intense stare that I know if I act on my own desires, we will start an inferno, and I just told her I can’t commit.