“I agree, but if they have nothing to justify keeping him locked up. They can’t hold him.”

I sigh my frustration and look at the blasted black box before us.

Fuck, not another cryptic wild goose chase.

Eden and Storm are in the kitchen with the lads.

Catalina’s with her sister in New York.

Brittney’s filming in San Fransisco.

I can’t think of anything else that could be kidnapped.

“Have you already examined it?”

“Yes, I took the liberty, considering it was delivered by courier with no sender info.”

“Good man,” I say, pressing my lips with frustration. “And what’s inside?”

He opens the top lid to reveal torn sheets of paper mixed with dried red rose petals that have been shredded. Examining the paper further, I reach in and pull a few pieces out.

“These are photocopies of music sheets,” I say, taking out my phone to check Eden’s IG profile. “As suspected, they’re the photographs I forwarded to Sierra, asking her to upload them onto Eden’s online account.”

“This could be his way to express that he’s not happy.”

I raise a sarcastic brow at him, “You think?”

“Perhaps rethink the filming for tomorrow. I wouldn’t recommend it until we know who and what we’re dealing with.”

I pat him on the back.

“And that’s what I have you and your new security crew for. We cannot afford to delay the music video. It needs to be completed with the release of the single online.”

“Problem with the video?” Eden breezes through with Jagger.

His eyes immediately land on the opened black box and then gaze at me. I shake my head at him to stop him from bringing it up.

Quickly closing it, I shove it into Rick’s chest.

“Dispose of it,” I say firmly.

“I’d rather take it to forensics and have it tested,” Rick mutters, taking the box from me. He means business, but I don’t need Eden to know about this. For starters, she’s been through enough drama with this pisshead stalker. Secondly, she loathes social media, and even though she understands she needs to have some online presence, she doesn’t know Sierra, and I have been actively posting shit to keep fans guessing.

Like these music sheets I photographed from her journal, Sierra titled them online aswork in progress.

“Then do so,” I mumble to Rick and casually approach Eden.

“Hello darling,” I say, putting on a broad smile and going to block her view of Rick leaving. “I was just coming to chat to you about something.”

As I nudge her to turn around, she frowns, shoving me aside. I briefly raise my head in the air and shut my eyes.

Why me?

“Why does forensics need that box? Did it come from the fucker?” She asks Rick directly, ignoring me, probably annoyed that I’ve tried to deter her from it.

She cocks her head at him, waiting for a reply.

“We believe so, Mam.” He says in his usual stoic manner.