This time, I know he wants to abduct me.

This time, I know his end game.

He abducted my dog, and I’m fucking pissed off.

I look at the four men who surround me. Each one would lay out their lives to make sure I remain safe. They don’t know the lengths my stalker will go to mentally torture me, to eventually kidnap me, but they’ve already sworn to protect me at all costs.

This time, I have something the bastard hasn’t contemplated.

I’m not alone.

I should tell them the truth so they understand what they’re up against. But my biggest fear in life isn’t my abductor and what he’ll do to me.

It’s these four men.

If I tell them what happened to me, I know they’ll never look at me in the same light again. To them, I’ll be changed, altered, different.

Disclosure of my story will destroy my relationship with them.

I close my eyes momentarily and open them slowly to wipe away the thoughts and visions I’ve just had. They need to concentrate on finding the bastard and not on what he did to me. That’s why they can never know the truth; he’ll use their rage against them. The need to focus and get Storm back prevails.

“You alright, siren?” Callum’s behind me and noticed my momentary halting.

The aroma of popcorn wafts through the air in this dimly lit hallway. The walls are adorned with vintage movie posters and neon lights showcasing each one.

“I’m good, just readying myself for what’s next.”

“Eden,” Jagger stops and turns to me. He has that look like he’s going to say something profound, and I know what that is. “You don’t have to do this. One of us could take you home, or we can call Rick to come and pick you up. We’ll find Storm.”

“Yeah, princess,” Haze chimes in, “We won’t leave a rock unturned until we get him back.”

Asher says nothing, instead he takes my hand in his and squeezes it. For a brief moment, we remain here as silence befalls us.

“Excuse us,” I turn to the couple holding hands. One has a paper bag filled with popcorn standing behind us.

“Excuse you,” Callum says back, and I pull him aside to let the couple pass.

“Why do you have to be so rude?” I ask.

“Because they could have slid to our side and passed through. But the gormless twats need the entire entryway to make their appearance.”

I huff a worried laugh at Callum’s obvious irritation, which has nothing to do with the two people who just passed us but our current dire situation.

“Eden needs to be here with us,” Asher says, still clinging tight to my hand.

“Thank you, sexy,” I say. “Let’s get moving. So far, no one’s screamed or heard any dog barks, so I don’t think Storm is inside there.

“Fine,” Haze and Jagger say simultaneously.

“Let me go inside first,” Jagger once more takes charge. “Haze, follow me. Callum and Asher stick close to Eden and only come through if Haze gives you the all-clear.”

“Yes, Sir!” I would salute Jagger if Asher wasn’t gripping my hand so hard.

I think he’s afraid I might disappear into thin air or something.

The movie is already playing as soon as we enter the screening room. There are just a handful of people here, and I don’t want to know what the dodgy ones are doing all the way at the back. I’ll let the boys venture up there, better them than me. This is LA and a six-dollar ticket theatre. It’s cheaper than a motel by the hour.

Ewgh! The thought is creepy as fuck.