“Fucking gormless arsehole. I’m going to kill him.”
Intrigued and nervous, Eden hesitates for a moment but decides to pick up the card. I watch her brows narrow, and her expression drops as she reads the words. I’m assuming she’s reading it several times over as she stands there silently observing it for a good few minutes.
“Princess?” I ask, interrupting her. She hands the card over to Jagger.
“It’s a cryptic quest to find Storm,” she says.
“It could also be a trap for you,” Rick says, stepping back inside. “Can we have a word?”
I nod and step aside from the group.
“On the day of the dog abduction, the security system had been disarmed, and all camera footage was swiped clean. The perpetrators are pros, but there’s reason for me to believe the system was disarmed manually.”
“Someone knew the code?”
He nods. “I believe the camera was installed in the bedroom on the same day. The front door was wide open when I found Mrs. Mancini sitting on the steps.”
“You’re not suggesting….” I stop mywords short.
“I’m suggesting I run a security check on Ms. Rivers’ employee.”
“I don’t think you’ll find much there,” even I will admit that’s really stretching it. “Catalina’s been employed by Eden for over ten years.”
Jagger told me earlier about his discussion with Eden and his suspicions that Catalina drugs her unknowingly with barbituates to probably ease her sleeping, which could render her in jail.
But this? It’s a little far fetched.
None of us are happy about Catalina’s playing with our girl’s health, and I’m one for dumping the old witch’s body in the desert, but this needs to be handled smartly. Eden’s loyalty to the woman is way too strong.
Catalina stuck around at Eden’s lowest point, which is why, while she drugs her to sleep better, I cannot for the life of me figure out why she would do everything else Rick suggests.
“It won’t hurt to conduct a search,” he suggests. “I have someone down at the central precinct who owes me several favors.”
I nod my head.
“Do what you have to do as long as she doesn’t find out. You don’t want to know what it feels like to have yourself strung up by your balls by that little vixen over there.”
I turn to Eden and register Rick leaving my side. There’s no doubt that she’s probably already working on a plan to follow this cryptic message around LA, and she’ll do so with or without us.
“Rick,” I call out as I watch him walk towards the front door. “Do what you have to do, we’ll be with Eden this evening so please coordinate the search with the authorities.”
He understands what and who I am referring to and turns back around to close the door behind him.
“What was that all about?” Eden looks up, and I think it’s time to bring her out of the dark.
I brush my hand through my hair, knowing this is going to be a sensitive topic.
“Princess, leave the card and flowers here, and let's go sit down on the sofa. It’s time we let you in on some things.”
The three lads look at me, they know what needs to be discussed. Eden may not appreciate hearing the truth but keeping her coddled in wool isn’t the way to go about this.
“So you think Catalina is my stalker?” Eden looks at all four of us, casting a scorned look. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”
We knew that Eden would reject the idea.
“No, I don’t think that,” I explain. “There’s no reason for her to be your stalker. But you told Jagger you’ve been like this since your ordeal with the stalker. It may just be that Catalina’s been putting you to sleep to ease your anxiety. As corrupt as her actions are, I don’t think she’s your stalker.”
“But we don’t like her anyhow,” Callum butts in, and I want to punch the bastard. “She’s creepy as fuck, for starters.”