“Could MoZa have wanted my father dead?”

Dominic had dark, burning eyes that seemed to burn into me. I held his gaze and I was relieved when he finally looked away, over at Costello. His manner seemed to change and he walked over to greet him.

“Old friend, how are you?”

Costello shook his hand and Dominic slapped his back before turning back to face me.

“You have courage coming here like this,” he said.

I swallowed, “My father used to say that you were the only straight arrow on the Council. You never wanted the position, he said, that was the best way of knowing that someone was suited for power.”

Dominic looked down. “Your father was a good man,” he said softly. “I had a lot of time for him.”

“Will you help me find his killer?” I asked, imploring him.

He took his time to answer. The light caught his face and I saw deep lines across his forehead and cheeks.

“Your father was looking for Chakrat, correct?” he finally asked. “But everyone knew he was protected. Chakrat works for Tempesto.”

“Could he have had my father killed? Thing is… it seemed personal. He or they, wanted to take out my father’s whole family. My mother survived, barely, but everyone else but me died.”

“You think it was personal?”

“I think… my father could have handled one vampire,” I said. “Someone wanted to make sure he didn’t come back from that.”

Dominic folded his arms and stared into the fire.

“Tempesto has changed,” he said. “We fear he has been using the drug blood, it has made him paranoid and suspicious.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have heard rumors that some of the product contains blood of different drug users, when it is consumed, it gives the same kind of high. If taken too much, it has the same effect as on humans. It can produce hallucinations, psychosis.”

I considered this.

Dominic went on. “The product is a money spinner, it goes at a higher rate, of course, it is sought-after. We have been trying to shut it down but keep coming up to a dead end. We believe Tempesto is consolidating his power on the Council and he may be part of this drug trade. We don’t have proof yet. But it has increased tension with MoZa, the Council Chairman. Tempesto has become cruel, vindictive. Anyone who stands against him, disappears or dies in an accident.”

“Can’t MoZa act against him?”

Dominic looked at me hard. “MoZa is getting old. He seems reluctant to take on the harder challenges.”

“What does all of this have to do with the Servant?”

His head whipped up. “What do you know about him?!”

“It’s true then?”

Dominic was quiet for a long time. When he finally spoke, he said, “Things are changing, you’re right. The peace may end soon.” He kept his voice low and Costello and Joe came to join us at the fire.

“Tempesto has been so focused on building his empire that he has neglected to keep his eye on some of those under his rule. Vampires high on drug blood have been attacking villages in the south, killing people. But he blocks us when we try to stop them. MoZa tried initially, he issued the bounty on Chakrat but then your father died. After that, nobody wanted to touch Chakrat.”

“The vampires want to take over the Council,” Joe stated.

Dominic nodded. “Some, not all. Those that are not in favor, are supporting the Servant. But the vampires are dividedtoo. They don’t stand together. Tempesto got rid of Queen Tanata by accident, he wanted to remove Lucca, of Fallon D’Valleira. That family is his biggest opponent.”

There, I thought, I had Lucca’s answer. He had been right all along.

“The other councilors have become less influential too. The Councilor Lare is weakening and she has lost the support of the people. It looks like the Servant will be pushed to take her seat.”