Sunil takes a moment. “Some councilors are being shafted.”
“Who is doing the shafting?” This is vital information for me as it could explain what is happening out here as well.
“MoZa and Tempesto.” Sunil speaks in a low voice as if he does not want to be overheard.
“Where is Dominic?” He had always been sympathetic to my position.
“He has had some sort of accident,” says Sunil. “He is not here at the moment. There was an emergency meeting of the Council in the week and he was not there.”
Things are beginning to fall into place.
“And the Servant? Who is he and who is backing him?”
Sunil is silent.
I ask him again.
“He has been put forward as a replacement for Lare.” Sunil finally says. “People are too scared to speak against him. But as long as Tempesto is there, it will be fine for us. He will keep him under control.”
“I told you to get rid of Tempesto!” I hissed.
“I know, Father, but this isn’t the time! The vampires must stand together otherwise we will be divided and it will be easier to fight us then!”
“No,” I say.
“Tempesto is key to all of this.”
After the call, I close my eyes and will myself to calm down. I tell myself that there is no point becoming emotional. I need to make decisions that are reasonable and logical.
I summon Ragnar and wait for my oldest son to arrive.
When he walks in, I have a long, hard look at him. Ragnar has always worn his hair long and it is untidy now, he has clearly been travelling. He seems tired too. But in Ragnar, this brings out a kind of ferocity that I need now. The old Viking blood that kicks in when it is needed the most.
“I have a job for you,” I say.
I smile a little. “You may want to think twice.”
His eyebrows lift questioningly.
“This calls for a bit of finesse. But I can’t send in just anyone and it has to be done carefully.”
Ragnar comes closer, his eyes are glinting.
“It is time to deal with Tempesto. I have asked Sunil to do it but he has been unable to. Says the bastard is huddled in his compound and he can’t get to him.”
“Sunil would say that,” Ragnar says, pulling a face. “Coward.”
“But before I move on Tempesto, we may need to get rid of the Servant. Those two are the biggest threat to us. We don’t have much time. You need to get to the capital and find out where Dominic is and what this situation means for us. I would go but I’m not well enough yet.”
“You up for this, son?” I ask, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Of course!”
“Be careful!”
I watch him leave and then call Robbie.