Page 75 of Brutal Husband

Costa puts up both his hands as a shield, as if that’s going to save him from a bullet. “No, don’t—”

I don’t want to hear another word. I fire two shots into his head, and then holster the gun under my arm.

Rieta didn’t look away. She’s staring at Costa’s dead and bloodied body with a shaking hand over her mouth and tears streaming down her face.

“So this has all been for nothing? Harriet’s dead, and we won’t ever find out who killed her and what they did with her body because of me?”

I take her face between my hands. “That’s not true. Look at me, Rieta.”

“Yes, it is. I killed Luca, and all his secrets died with him.”

“He was going to kill you. You had no choice but to defend yourself. If anyone’s to blame, it’s me. If I’d seen who my brother was a long time ago and done everything I could to get both of us far, far away from him, none of this would have happened.” I stroke my thumbs over her cheeks as I gaze into her eyes, the full weight of regret crashing over me. “I wish I never had to leave you.”

“Why did you leave? I still don’t understand. Please, just tell me where you were.”

There can be no forgiveness for what I’ve done. Rieta’s life has been destroyed, and so has Harriet’s.

“All right. I’ll tell you.” I fold Rieta in my arms one last time, holding her tight against my chest, where I should have kept her always.



After the wedding

“You want to know who Paul Shields is?” Luca asks. “He’s no one. You are not going to throw what we have away because of a petty sex pest and a slut.”

“Don’t you dare speak about my wife that way,” I snarl. “And he was.”

“What do you mean was?”

“Paul Shieldswasa sex pest, as you put it. He was more than that. He was a predator, and so I killed him.”

Luca’s eyes blaze with anger, and his hands curl into fists. “You’ve interfered with my wife. You’ve interfered with my business. This is unforgiveable.”

“That man was involved in things that no decent man should be within a hundred miles of. You should be thanking me for killing him.”

“Just like I should be thanking you for fuckingmywife? Giving her expectations for our marriage that I have no interest in fulfilling? I’m disgusted with both of you. Why did you do this?”

“Because I love her!” I shout. “I love Rieta. Haven’t you realized by now? I want to spend my life with her, which means you and I are going to have to come up with a new plan.” I start pacing up and down. “We can tell Rieta the truth, and she can live with me. You can do what you always wanted, which is to step back from social events. Or what about this? We check to see if there’s still a warrant out for your arrest. If there’s not, you can go back to being Luca, and I’ll continue being me.”

Luca has both hands braced against his desk and is glaring at the wood. “You’re not Nero. I’m Nero.”

“What did you just say?”

“I’m Nero, and you will not side with that slut over your own brother.”

How dare he call my wife that disgusting word? I pull back my fist and smash it across his face. Luca goes reeling, then dabs the blood on his lip. For a moment he’s totally still, and then with a roar, he launches himself at me. This is what we need, a good fucking fistfight to clear the air. We’re evenly matched, which makes it impossible for either of us to get the upper hand, but we both get a few punches in.

A few minutes later, we’re both panting and bloodied.

“Take back what you said about my wife,” I snarl. “Don’t you ever say again that you’re me. The agreement is off. We’re undoing everything, and you’re going back to being who you really are.”

“This isn’t over.” Luca stalks behind his desk.

“It’s so over.” I come around the desk and reach for him, intending to grab his shoulder and make him look at me.

Luca reaches into a drawer, pulls something out, and jabs it into my ribs. Pain explodes in my body. For a moment I think he’s stabbed me. The pain is sharp, but it crackles. It goes on and on, paralyzing me. My teeth clack together, and I can’t control my arms or legs. As I crumple to the ground, I see the object sparking in his hand, and I realize he’s tased me.