She wantsme. The knowledge is a punch to the gut. She’s not interested in a comfortable home or a prestigious husband. Rieta Bianchi wants a man who can love her.
A short while later, Rieta leaves, and Luca closes the front door behind. He calls up the stairs to me, “She nearly saw you. Be more careful.”
I step out of the shadows and descend into the hall, watching my brother carefully. Wondering what to say. How much work I have to do to convince him that this is not going to work.
Luca straightens the cuffs of his shirt with an air of quiet confidence. “That went well. I think Rieta and I finally understand each other.”
How can two men come to such vastly different conclusions about the same interaction? “Didn’t you hear her? Rieta wants you to be a warm and loving husband, something that you’re not able to do.”
Luca isn’t insulted by my words. He merely shrugs. “Women are simple. They wish to be provided for. She’s immature and needy now, but Rieta will grow up quickly once we’re married.”
As if my iron-hearted brother knows anything about women. “You’re overconfident. She’s going to reject the engagement again unless I do something.”
Luca shakes his head. “There’s no need for you to see her again. I’m going to move forward with the wedding plans, and my fiancée and I can communicate via emails and text messages. Once she moves in here, Rieta will have the house and my needs to occupy her—and planning for our first child.”
What he’s describing is a housekeeper he impregnates, and my stomach turns in disgust. “Emails and text messages. Would you listen to yourself? She’s going to get cold feet.”
Luca rubs an irritated hand across his brow and heads for the door. “I just want this courtship nonsense over with. Do what you want. I’m going out.”
The front door slams behind him. I want Rieta for myself, but the harder I pursue her and the more convincing I am, I’m driving her into my brother’s arms.
I don’t know how to fix any of this. I need to think. Not knowing what else to do, over the next few days, I follow Rieta wherever she goes, hungry for the smallest glimpse of her. Shehas no idea I’m watching her through her bedroom window or as she sits in a café. I learn to love every single one of her mannerisms. The way she talks. The way she smiles. The way she plays with a strand of her hair as she’s lost in thought.
In these moments, she’s mine, and no one else’s.
One afternoon, Rieta enters a bridal boutique, and my body becomes electrified. Am I about to witness my woman wearing a wedding dress? I inch my car closer and park on the other side of the street, staring through dark sunglasses and tinted car windows. She can’t see me, but I can see her standing on the white carpet, running her fingers over satin and beaded wedding dresses.
There’s a dull ache in my thigh and a cramp in my hand, and when I look down, I realize that it’s because I’m gripping my leg from anger, frustration, and longing.
I want this woman. More than anything.
Luca’s dismissive words the other night echo in my head.Do what you want.
What I want is to make Rieta mine. Luca seems vaguely disgusted by the idea of sleeping with Rieta. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with him because it’s all I’ve been able to think about.
Please,Nero. I want your baby. Make me pregnant.
Rieta’s words as I fucked her full of my cum echo in my head for days. My woman could be pregnant at this very moment with my baby. At this very moment. I’ve claimed her as mine, driven my seed into her, and the thought makes me breathless.
She still hasn’t figured out how we’re fooling her, but it could happen any way now. Luca is making wedding arrangementswith her, and she could realize that my cold, uninterested brother is not the man who took her virginity with so much heat and passion. I’m running out of time. Luca’s set a wedding date that’s barreling down on us.
When Rieta finds out that there are two of us and she’s been deceived, she’s going to be mad, but we’ll get through this. She can take it out on me with claw marks down my back. She can give me the silent treatment while I grovel on my knees and carpet her driveway with white roses. I’ll do whatever it takes because, in the end, I’ll have Rieta Bianchi as my wife, and everything and anything is worth that.
I catch Luca in what I hope is a good mood one evening at his home. We’re drinking whisky together, and I’ve just passed on some good news. The cops fumbled a case against one of our arms suppliers, and they’re able to get back to business as usual, though the meeting points and contacts are changing.
“Good. I’m glad to hear it,” Luca says with a nod.
“I’ve been thinking,” I begin. Like always, Rieta is on my mind.
“I wish you wouldn’t.”
I give my brother a sarcastic smile. “You’re funny. But be nice to me, I’m here to lighten your workload.”
“Oh? How?”
“Let me take over your duties with Rieta.”
Instantly, Luca’s expression closes. “I don’t need you to do that.”