Page 91 of Brutal Husband

Is it her? Is it the baby? We’re too happy. Something was bound to go wrong.

Rieta grasps my hand and flattens it against her belly, staring down at her bump with wide eyes. “The baby kicked.”

“What? What do you mean—” I’m still panicking, and it takes me a moment to realize what the fluttering is that I feel beneath my palm. I put both my hands on her belly. “That’s the baby? Baby, was that you? Can you hear me, baby? I’m your daddy.”

The baby goes on kicking for a little while longer while Rieta and I stare at each other in wonder.

There are happy tears in Rieta’s eyes. She reaches out and pulls my mouth down to hers, but when she breaks the kiss, her expression is troubled.

“I have a confession to make. Sometimes I have nightmares that I’m holding you, but you turn into Luca. I see your eyes change. When I wake up, I have to keep pinching myself toremember this is real and that you’re the man I’ve always wanted. It feels like a betrayal to have these dreams when I know how hard you fought to come back to me.”

She lived with Luca for many more months than she’s lived with me. For now. But I’m outstripping him, day by day. I’m going to win. I’ve already won.

I kiss each of her eyelids, tasting her warm, salty tears. “I’d fight my way back to you again a hundred times if it means I can be with you.”

Rieta goesinto labor on a Wednesday evening. We’re cozied up together on the sofa together watching TV. She’s eating toffee ice cream, and the bowl is balanced on her belly. There’s a large, melting spoonful in her mouth when she suddenly makes a noise in the back of her throat.


I was just starting to feel sleepy, my eyes drifting closed as the pack of zombies on screen closed in on the doomed side character.

I drag my eyes open. “Hm?”

“Mm!” she says again, more urgently this time, and points at her belly. She’s trying to swallow.

I sit up, finally catching on. “The baby? Is it coming?”

She nods rapidly, and finally swallows. “I think so. I’ve been feeling restless all evening, and I—”

Wide awake now, I jump to my feet. “Your go bag is packed. I’ll get the phone chargers. Do you want to take some snacks?” First, I charge toward the stairs, and then I change my mind and head to the kitchen.

“Call the hospital,” she reminds me. “They’ll be able to tell us when we should come in.”

Of course, I forgot. I can barely think straight. I’m about to become a father. Me. What do I know about parents and children? Nothing. Less than nothing. I’m going to make a horrible mess of this.

I speak to the hospital while Rieta writes down the time and length of her contraction. We’re told not to come in yet, but they’re going be ready for us when we do.

I hang up and take a deep breath. We have a plan. I start to calm down.

Meanwhile, Rieta is as cool as a cucumber and settles herself onto the sofa. She even finishes her ice cream.

After her fourth contraction, she starts pacing around the living room, but she’s smiling as she goes, her hands roving over her belly. “We’re so excited to meet you.”

She looks so beautiful that I can’t help but go to her. I put my arms around my wife, her big belly pushing against mine. “I can’t wait to meet our baby, but I’m going to miss you like this.”

“You’ll have to get me pregnant again right away,” she says with a laugh.

“Fuck yes.”

“I was joking.”

“I’m not.”

A few hours later, we arrive at the hospital, and things start to move quickly after that. Everyone’s attention is on Rieta, including mine as I grip her hand. It must be past three in the morning, but I feel wide awake.

Finally, close to seven, our son is born. He’s placed skin to skin on Rieta’s chest and my sweaty, exhausted, but happy wife cradles his little body in her arms.

“Look at him, Nero. Isn’t he perfect?” she sobs. “A little boy.”