“Is that so?” he asks, menace spreading over his features. “In that case, tell me, Vivienne. How’s your baby brother?”
The second I mention Barlow, fear and hatred flash through Vivienne’s eyes. She needn’t worry. I lost interest in the child a long time ago when someone far more enticing came along.
But Iamangry.
After the first time I touched her, there was a delicious smear of her blood on my flesh. All over my cock. I was very clear about the rules. She’s only allowed to bleed whenImake her bleed.
I can taste Vivienne’s blood in my mouth, heavy and sweet. My girl is looking more beautiful than ever, her cheeks flushed in the moonlight and defiance sparking in her green eyes. She gave not one shiver at the sight of blood or the dying boy. Not a shriek or retch when I killed him. Vivienne Stone doesn’t know it, but she has a core of pure steel.
She’s exactly what I crave in a woman. She’s everything I need in the mother of my children. I know her deepest, darkest secrets. Her joy and her sorrow. Her pain. Mostly, her life has been pain. She continues to let it be filled with pain, much to my fury. Vivienne won’t reach out with both hands and take what she craves, so I’ll have to take it for her.
Barlow is the key to her heart. All she needs to say is,Tyrant, I want Barlow, and I’ll go get her brother for her and take them both to my mansion where we’ll live happily ever fucking after.
But she has to ask me first. I will hear it from her own lips that she wants me, wantsus. Every furious moment of my life is spent obsessing over a way to make Vivienne ask me for what she craves, and today, I think I’ve come up with the answer. I’ve been aching to be eight inches deep in her tight pussy ever since I thought of it.
I lower my mouth toward her tempting lips. She draws in a soft breath and her mouth parts, her eyes growing hazy.
There’s movement behind her, and I glance up. A somber man in a dark suit is approaching us through the trees.
I let go of Vivienne and nod at my driver. “You’re hurt. Go with Liam, and I’ll join you in a moment.”
Vivienne covers the cut on her arm with her hand. “I can take care of this back at the dorms.”
My teeth grit tightly together and I bite out, “I said, go with Liam, or will you continue to test my patience?”
Vivienne glances at my driver, who holds out his arm and shows her where a black Cullinan SUV is waiting just beyond the cemetery gates. Reluctantly, she follows him.
I still have my gun pointed at the two remaining boys, and I ask them, watching Vivienne walk away and get into the back seat of my car, “Did you three happen to come walking this way tonight, or did someone tell you to hurt my woman?”
“W-we didn’t know she was your woman,” one of them stammers.
“We’re s-so sorry.”
Through the wrought iron fence covered with twists of ivy, I see Liam close the door on Vivienne and stand sentry with his hands clasped in front of him.
I turn my attention to the boys. “Is that what I asked you?”
The red-haired boy scrambles to reply. “Sorry, um, sir. Mr. Mercer. We don’t know anything. It was all Bryn’s idea.”
Bryn must be the corpse lying at our feet. I wonder if I killed the only one who could tell me something useful.
“Bryn didn’t tell us anything. He just said to come with him and we were going to mess with some girl.”
“Some girl. So that’s what she is. Some girl.” I laugh and scratch my temple with the barrel of the gun. I thought I had all the threats around Vivienne locked down but, apparently, I was wrong. The boys glance nervously at each other.
I point the gun at them again and raise it to the level of their eyes. “Turn around.”
Both of them start to whimper and plead with me.
“What did I say? Turn around now, or after I shoot you, your families will die as well.”
With their hands in the air, they get on their knees while sobbing and pleading with me.
“We’ve never even done anything like this before.”