Page 13 of Fear Me, Love Me

From the outraged expression on Tyrant’s face, I’m beginning to question that.

Tyrant looms closer until he has me pressed against the door. “Listen very closely, Vivienne. If you go to a doctor or a drug store, if you even look at a Plan B pill, I’ll know, and I’ll be very fucking angry with you.”



Vivienne’s pretty, fuck-me mouth falls open. “My life is a mess. I’m a mess. Getting pregnant is the last thing I need.”

It’s exactly what she needs because once I have my baby in her, she’ll start running to me instead of away from me. I’m the only man who can protect her and love her and give her everything that’s missing.

“Then you shouldn’t have let me see you with a baby in your arms.” I roll down the window and shout for Liam. A moment later, he gets into the driver’s seat. “Take us to Miss Stone’s dormitory.”

“Yes, sir.”

As we drive, Vivienne turns away from me on the seat and hugs herself. It starts to rain and drops patter on the windows. All is darkness out there, occasionally lit by streetlights. The area around Henson University is darkly gothic with the occasional coffee bar and secondhand bookshop closed for the night.

When we pull up to her dormitory, she tries to get out of the car without saying goodbye.

I grasp her good arm and pull her back to me. “Give your boyfriend a kiss good night.” I growl the words like a threat.

“You’re not my—”

I slam my mouth over hers. She’s right, I’m not her boyfriend. I’m her lover. Her stalker. Her obsessed future husband and the father of her children. I’m the only one who gives a damn about her, but I shouldn’t be the only one. How fucking dare the other people in her life neglect her so much and make her so miserable. The thought makes me so angry that I’m snarling when I break the kiss. “Get inside where it’s safe. There are bad people on these streets.”

Vivienne gives me a look that says she knows all about the bad people in Henson, and gets out of my car with reddened lips, a reddened ass, and her insides coated with my cum. I watch her until she’s entered the door code and is safely inside her building,

“Park up ahead. I want to visit the pharmacies around here. Could you arrange for that body to be collected and disposed of while I’m gone?”

“Yes, sir. And that’s already done, sir.”

Liam drives up the street, and my gaze falls on the car seat. Vivienne has left a smear of her cum and mine on the leather. I smile to myself. This girl is going to be pregnant and completely protected by me in no time. No more shitty dorm rooms and scrimping to save for art supplies. Liam can drive her to class, and she can have a whole set of rooms in my house for her creativity, if that’s what she wants. In between having my children. I don’t want just one. I want her almost constantly pregnant for five years. That will do to start with, and then I can think about breeding her some more.

Liam pulls up by a pharmacy and, whistling to myself, I get out of the car. It’s dark and the temperature has plummeted, and I don’t see another soul except for the young man behind the counter.

Inside, I saunter up to the counter with my hands in my pockets, my posture relaxed. I always feel so good after fucking Vivienne. The way that girl comes on my dick? I’m addicted. Knowing she’s safely tucked inside her bedroom full of my cum? Even better.

“Plan B, please,” I say to the young pharmacist. Oliver—his name tag reads Oliver—has spots on his cheeks and the greenish neon lighting isn’t doing his complexion any favors. He must have graduated about six minutes ago by the looks of him.

Oliver glances up at me, his gaze bored. His expression suddenly sharpens into shock and then fear as his eyes travel over my smirking face, my slicked-back hair, and my tattooed arms and chest in my gym tank top.

Oliver swallows. “Um. How—how long since you and your partner had unprotected sex?”

I glance at my watch. “About fifteen minutes ago.”

The pharmacist is staring at something on my throat. I swipe at it with my fingers and see dried blood.

“Oh, this? It’s not her blood. Not all of it anyway. Don’t worry, I’m having things cleaned up.” My smile widens. “I wouldn’t want Henson to get a bad reputation.”

A little joke between him and me.

The pharmacist doesn’t laugh.

I kid, but without me, Henson would be in deep shit. The mayor of this town is corrupt, and so are the police. The cops are so busy taking bribes and wiping the asses of the men who are supposed to be in charge that they have no time to keep the car thieves, drug dealers, and burglars in line, or take care of the psychos, serial killers, and rapists who are drawn to Henson because they think that here they’ll find easy prey.

I keep the crime in Henson organized. If it wasn’t for me, things would be chaotic, but am I thanked for my service? Of course I’m not. Everyone fears me.

Which is exactly what I want from them.