A cold shiver runs down my spine. It hurts to look at him when he’s so lethally furious. “What’s going to happen now?”
He thinks about this for a moment. “We could have done this the pretty way. I promised you a ring. I promised you everything, including your freedom, if you only stayed by my side forever, but that wasn’t good enough for you.”
“Don’t forget about turning a blind eye to you murdering my family.”
“They’re worthless, Vivienne, and you know it,” he snaps back.
I start pacing up and down, pushing my fingers through my hair. I can’t see any way out of this. He’s never going to let me go now he knows I’m pregnant. “Will you kill me after I give birth to our child? Will you pretend this baby and Barlow are siblings and you’re the father and raise them yourself?”
Tyrant gives me a sly smile. “Sounds enticing. I’m rather good with children, don’t you think?”
My stomach swoops. Heisgood with children. I saw that for myself in those brief hours we were taking care of Barlow together, and thinking about it only makes me feel more wretched. We could have had something wonderful together as a real family. It hurts so much that we never will.
Every breath I drag into my lungs feels painful.
My chest feels like it’s in a vise.
I can’t get enough air.
Black spots dance in front of my eyes. I reach out unsteadily to try and grab onto a tree. A hedge. Anything. I’m panicking. I’m losing it, just like I did when I saw Lucas after he tried to rape me.
Tyrant’s by my side, and his hands are holding my waist. Holding me up. For a moment he almost feels like my savior. Suddenly, he seizes me by the hair and forces me to my knees. To my shock, he reaches for his belt with his free hand and unfastens it, dragging out his thickened cock.
I’m panicking, and he’s got an erection?
“Open your mouth,” he snarls.
“Are you…” I suck a wheezing, painful breath into my lungs. “Are you going to force me to blow you while I’m having a panic attack?”
“This isn’t for me. This is for you. Open your fucking mouth.”
“What are you talking ab—”
Tyrant seizes the opportunity while I’m talking to shove his cock past my lips. My eyes go wide. I brace for him to thrust aggressively, over and over, punishing me for hiding the pregnancy from him and running away.
Only he doesn’t. He just stands there, holding on to my hair with his cock shoved all the way to the back of my throat.
“You need something in your mouth to make you calm. My finger. A gag. My cock. You relax when your mouth is full.” He keeps a tight hold of my hair as he slowly sits down on a bench and pulls me between his legs. “Suck on me and calm the fuck down.”
I glare furiously up at him, my nails digging into his thighs. I can’t spit him out because he’s holding me too tightly, but soon enough he’ll grow soft and bored with me because I refuse to blow him.
But as the minutes tick by, Tyrant doesn’t grow soft, and he doesn’t seem frustrated either. His grip on my hair loosens slightly to a secure hold. My full mouth makes me feel strangely serene. Without realizing what I’m doing, my body relaxes against his thighs.
Tyrant makes a pleased noise in the back of his throat, and he murmurs, “That’s better. That’s how I like to see my girl.”
As angry as I want to feel at being forced into submission, my body just goes on melting against my will. My cheek is resting against his thigh, and I hug his leg as he strokes my hair. He’s making me use his cock as a pacifier, and it’s working. I feel drowsy. I feel drugged.
“You’re still helping them, Vivienne,” Tyrant says softly. “You’re trying to save Barlow, and when you do, you’ll try to save them as well.”
I shake my head. Even if I wanted to help Dad and Samantha, they don’t want my help. They left me behind and they’re trying to get out of the labyrinth without me.
“You won’t try to save them?” Tyrant asks. “Then what is it you want?”
I wish Tyrant Mercer would give me my heart’s desire.
I push his cock deeper into my mouth, and he groans as he hits the back of my throat. My hands are pressed against his belly as I pull back and slide him in deeper. This is even better than his finger or the gag. I should have been sucking his cock all along because he feels amazing in my mouth, huge and hot and thick. I keep going until he’s groaning and thrusting into my mouth.