We lock it down defensively, and I’m able to run out the clock, icing the three to two victory by winning the final faceoff cleanly into the corner. As the final horn sounds, my teammates mob me on the ice in celebration. I should be elated, but something feels…off.
I scan the crowd, hoping to spot Elyse’s smiling face and sparkling green eyes cheering me on, but she’s nowhere to be found. A pang of disappointment hits me. She’s not here tonight, but I shouldn’t expect her to be after telling her we can’t be seen together in public. What did I expect?
My gaze continues roving the stands when I suddenly lock eyes with a too-familiar figure. Karina. My blood runs cold as I take in her icy glare and cruel smirk. What the hell is she doing here?
The sight of her dredges up a torrent of memories I’ve tried to suppress. The lies, the betrayal, the stalking, and the harassment of any woman who dared get close to me. My fists clench unconsciously as white-hot anger bubbles up.
In that moment, I decide I’m done letting Karina control me through fear and intimidation. I won’t let her twisted obsessionruin yet another relationship, especially not with Elyse. I tear my gaze away and rejoin my teammates for the handshake line, accepting their congratulations with tight smiles and nods. My mind is already looking ahead, formulating a plan of action.
Back in the locker room, I make a beeline for Coach Mathews’ office and shut the door behind me. The gruff old coach looks up, clearly surprised by my abrupt entrance.
“Everything all right? You played one hell of a game out there tonight. Told you that shoulder injury wouldn’t slow you down.”
I ignore that. “Coach, I need to take out a restraining order against my ex-girlfriend, Karina Musgrave. Immediately.”
Reginald’s eyes widen slightly but he keeps his poker face. “I’m aware of the…history there, Jack. You sure this is what you want to do?”
“Yes, I’ve never been surer of anything,” I say firmly. “She was in the crowd tonight, just staring me down like she always does. I can’t live like this anymore, walking on eggshells, and afraid of who she might go after next. It has to stop.”
The coach nods slowly. “All right, if you’re certain this drama won’t do anything to ruin our season, I’ll have the team lawyer start the paperwork first thing in the morning.”
“Thank you, Coach.” I turn to leave and exhale heavily. No more hiding, and no more fear. Karina doesn’t control me anymore.
As I exit the office, Sam falls into step beside me. “Hey, man, hell of a game. That was an incredible individual effort.”
I manage a tight smile for my teammate and friend. “Thanks, Sam. Just doin’ my job.”
Sam evidently picks up on my preoccupied demeanor. “Something on your mind, bro? You seem…off.”
I sigh. “I spotted Karina in the crowd tonight. I went to Coach right after and told him I’m taking out a restraining orderagainst her, effective immediately. She’s had too much control for too long. Maybe I can even convince Elyse to forgive me—”
Understanding dawns on Sam’s face. His brow furrows and jaw clenches as he processes what I’ve revealed about Karina. “You broke things off with Elyse because of that psycho ex of yours?”
I give a tight nod, unable to meet his piercing green gaze. Sam’s hands ball into fists at his sides.
“Are you kidding me, man? Elyse is crazy about you. She’s been walking around like a lovesick puppy ever since you two hit pause.”
“I know, and I hate that I’ve hurt her,” I say, running a hand through my damp hair, “But you have no idea how manipulative and vindictive Karina can be. I couldn’t risk her going after Elyse.”
Sam scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. “So instead of standing up to that bitch, you just let her win? By pushing away someone you obviously care about?”
His words sting because they ring true. I open my mouth to respond, but Sam cuts me off, his voice rising in anger.
“Don’t even try to justify this, Ford. My sister deserves better than to be collateral damage in your bullshit drama with the ex from hell.”
Before I can react, Sam lunges forward, driving his shoulder into my chest. The unexpected force slams me back against the concrete wall. A searing jolt of pain lances through my injured shoulder on impact.
White-hot agony radiates outward as I crumble to the floor, clutching at the throbbing joint. I grit my teeth, refusing to cry out as waves of nausea wash over me.
“Shit, Jack…I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard,” Sam’s voice cuts through the haze as he crouches beside me, concern etched on his face.
I try to wave him off, but the simple motion sends another stab of fiery torment through my shoulder. Sweat beads on my forehead as I fight against the blackness creeping in at the edges of my vision.
“We need to get you to the doc, bro.” Sam slides an arm under mine to help hoist me to my feet.
I lean heavily against him, gritting my teeth as every jarring step further aggravates the inflamed joint. The short trek to the exam room feels like an eternity of suffering.
Dr. Kleiner looks up sharply as we enter, taking in my pallid complexion and the way I cradle my right arm protectively against my body.