She’s playing her part perfectly, and something warm and possessive unfurls in my chest. For this fleeting moment, she’s mine in every sense that matters.
Finally, blessedly, the show wraps up. We shake hands with Hendricks and wave to the cheering crowd before being ushered off stage.
The instant we’re out of sight of the cameras, Sam lets out a whoop of laughter. “Did you see Hendricks’ face when Elyse called you ‘babe?’ Priceless. Nice work out there, sis,” he adds with an approving grin, pulling her into a rough hug.
She returns the embrace, her eyes sparkling with mischief over his shoulder. “All in a day’s work, big brother.”
I hang back, content to watch their playful interaction, not wanting to interrupt their moment. As though sensing I’m not interacting, she pulls away from Sam and turns toward me. Her gaze is warm and almost…affectionate. “You weren’t so bad yourself, hot shot.”
The endearment rolls off her tongue easily, and I’m grinning like a fool. Moving on instinct, I close the distance between us and slip an arm around her slender waist.
Her breath catches, but she doesn’t pull away. If anything, she presses into me ever so slightly.
“Just doing my job, sweetheart,” I say.
Heat flares in her eyes, kindling a responding spark low in my belly. For an endless moment, we’re suspended in a strange sortof tension, the world around us fading away until there’s nothing but her captivating gaze locked on mine.
Then Sam clears his throat loudly, shattering the spell. “Fake, right?”
Elyse blinks rapidly, putting a polite bit of distance between us as she flashes her brother an overly bright smile. “I should, uh, go powder my nose before we head out.” She slips away before either of us can respond, disappearing down a hallway lined with dressing rooms.
I watch her go with an odd sense of loss.
“Dude.” Sam’s voice cuts through my reverie. “You’ve got it bad.”
I tear my gaze from the spot where Elyse vanished, arching a brow at my teammate. “What are you talking about?”
He snorts. “Don’t even try to play dumb with me, Ford. I saw the way you were eye-fucking my sister just now.”
Heat creeps up the back of my neck, but I force myself to meet Sam’s knowing look head-on. “It’s all part of the act, Masterson. Gotta sell it, right?” The lie tastes bitter on my tongue, and Sam’s derisive snort tells me he’s not buying it either.
“Keep telling yourself that, Cap, but we both know there’s nothing fake about the way you look at her.”
His words strike uncomfortably close to the truth—the truth I’ve been avoiding since this whole charade began. Because admitting how I really feel about Elyse would mean…
I’m not ready to go there yet.
Thankfully, I’m spared from having to formulate a response by Elyse’s return. She slips her hand into the crook of my elbow, her touch warm and familiar.
“Shall we?” she says, tilting her head back to meet my gaze.
My breath catches at the simple intimacy of the gesture. Suddenly, the prospect of continuing this ruse—of having her bymy side, even under false pretenses—is the most appealing thing in the world.
Clearing my throat, I force a nonchalant smile. “After you, babe.”
Elyse flashes me a grin while briefly squeezing my arm. Then she’s leading the way toward the exit, Sam and the others trailing behind.
We make it about halfway down the hallway before a familiar figure steps into our path. My heart plummets into my stomach as I take in the petite blonde blocking our way.
“Hey, sexy.” Karina rakes her gaze over me in a way that makes my skin crawl. “Imagine seeing you here.” She laughs like it’s the funniest joke in the world.
Elyse stiffens beside me, no doubt sensing the sudden tension thrumming through my body. Before I can react, Karina’s cool blue eyes slide to her, lips curving in a mocking smile.
“And who’s this pretty little thing?” She tsks, shaking her head slowly. “You always did have a thing for the innocent ones.”
White-hot fury lances through me. I open my mouth, a biting retort on my lips, but Elyse beats me to it.
“I’m Elyse,” she says coolly, holding Karina’s stare without flinching. “Jack’s girlfriend.”