Page 33 of Ice-Cold Truth

He chuckles. “Fair point, but still, it’s a BMW. You know how much those things cost?”

“More than I can afford, I’m sure.” I grin, undeterred. “Which is why you should let your trustworthy sister borrow it. I’ll treat it like it’s my own.”

Sam narrows his eyes, clearly weighing the pros and cons. Finally, he sighs. “All right, fine, but if you so much as get a scratch on it, you’re paying for the repairs.”

“Deal.” I beam, snatching the keys from his outstretched hand. “Now, where are you parked?”

He directs me to the underground garage, and I slide behind the wheel of the sleek black sedan, reveling in the luxurious interior. As I start the engine, the powerful purr sends a thrill through me.

“Try not to have too much fun,” teases Sam, buckling his seatbelt.

I shoot him a wink. “No promises.”

The drive to the Firebirds’ practice facility is a short one, but I savor every minute, relishing the smooth handling and responsive acceleration. When we arrive, Sam leans over and plants a kiss on my cheek.

“Thanks for the ride, sis. I’ll see you later.”

“Anytime,” I say, watching as he jogs toward the entrance.

With Sam gone, I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the task ahead. Dervin had been clear in his instructions—gather as much information as possible about Coach Matthews’ treatment of the players. My connection to Sam and Jack gives me a unique opportunity I can’t afford to squander.

The team’s doctor, Dr. Kleiner, is my best bet for insider knowledge. I spot him entering through a side door and quickly follow, catching up to him in the hallway.

“Dr. Kleiner? Hi, I’m Elyse Masterson, Sam’s sister.”

He turns, eyeing me curiously. “Miss Masterson. What can I do for you?”

I hesitate, unsure of how to broach the subject. “I…I was hoping we could talk about Coach Matthews.”

Kleiner’s expression darkens. “I see, and what, exactly, do you want to know?”

Emboldened by his reaction, I press on. “I’m aware of the allegations against him—the cover-ups, the intimidation tactics, and forcing players to keep playing with life-altering injuries. I need to know if they’re true.”

He studies me for a long moment, seeming to weigh his options. Finally, he nods, his shoulders sagging. “Yes, it’s all true. Every word.”

Relief and dread wash over me in equal measure. “Can you give me specifics? Details I can use to build a case against him?”

Dr. Kleiner glances around furtively before leaning in closer. “Matthews has been pressuring players to play through injuries for years. He’s threatened careers, livelihoods, and even players’ family lives—anything to keep his star players on the ice. When they do get hurt, he intervenes with their treatment, overriding my medical advice.”

My stomach churns at his words. “That’s…unconscionable.”

“It gets worse.” His voice drops to a whisper. “He’s been paying off players and staff to keep them quiet. Hush money, threats—you name it. The man is a menace, and he needs to be stopped.”

“But why go along with it?” I ask. “Surely, you could have reported him?”

Dr. Kleiner shakes his head wearily. “I tried, believe me, but Matthews has connections and powerful people in his corner. Anyone who speaks out risks ruining their career and their life. I have a family to support, Miss Masterson. I couldn’t take that risk.”

I nod. “Don’t worry, Dr. Kleiner. I’ll make sure he pays for what he’s done.”

As I turn to leave, he calls out one last time. “Be careful, Miss Masterson. Matthews has eyes and ears everywhere. If he catches wind of what you’re doing, there’s no telling how far he’ll go to protect himself.”

His warning sends a chill down my spine, but I refuse to be deterred. This is bigger than me and the Firebirds. It’s about justice, and I won’t rest until it’s served.


I need to hurry once I leave the Firebirds’ facility, so I’m not late for my meeting. When I arrive and find parking, I have to double check the address. This part of town is seedy, and the pub where I’m meeting Vince Halstrom has seen many better days.

The heavy oak door creaks open, and I step into the dimly lit bar, my gaze immediately landing on the lone figure hunched over the counter. Vince Halstrom, former Firebirds defenseman, and the man who filed the lawsuit against Coach Matthews and the Firebirds owner.