Page 13 of Ice-Cold Truth

How can I refuse that warm, inviting smile? I nod, sinking onto the couch as she tucks her legs beneath her. Our knees brush, sending an unexpected jolt through me at the simple contact.

“Did you guys celebrate a win, or just blowing off steam?”

“A little of both, I guess.” I lean back, stretching my arm along the back of the couch. “We practiced hard this week. The guys deserved to let loose.”

Elyse nods sagely. “I can only imagine the kind of pressure you’re all under, especially this close to the pre-season starting.” She studies me intently. “Does it ever get…overwhelming?”

Her concern catches me off guard. I consider brushing it off with some macho bravado about being able to handle anything, but there’s something about Elyse’s open, earnest expression that makes me want to be honest.

“Sometimes,” I say with a rueful chuckle. “This life is a hell of a ride. The highs are incredible, but the lows can knock you on your ass if you’re not careful.”

She nods slowly, and I’m unable to look away from those soulful eyes. “Tell me about it?” she asks softly. “If you don’t mind sharing, that is. I’d love to hear more about you.”

And just like that, the words start tumbling out. I share tales from my rookie days—the chaos of being thrown into the pro league, the long road trips, the mind games, and the locker room antics. She hangs on every word, reacting with gasps and laughter in all the right places.

Before I know it, I’m recounting one of my worst injuries—a brutal hit that nearly ended my career. I roll up my sleeve, showing her the jagged scar along my bicep. “It was a stupid play,” I say, tracing the raised line with my finger. “I got reckless, took a chance I shouldn’t have. Ended up with a nasty gash and a badly separated shoulder.” I look away from her for a moment,not wanting her to realize the shoulder is still bothering me months later.

Elyse’s brow furrows with concern as she reaches out, her fingertips lightly grazing the scar. An electric tingle races up my arm at her gentle touch. “That must have been so scary,” she says. “I can’t even imagine…”

I shrug, feigning nonchalance. “All part of the job, I guess. You get used to playing through the pain.”

“But you shouldn’t have to,” she insists, her eyes blazing with conviction. “That’s not right. You’re putting your body and your health on the line out there.”

“Hey, I knew what I was signing up for.” I force a casual smile, though her concern for my well-being leaves me oddly touched. “An athlete’s career is short. You learn to make the most of it while you can.”

She shakes her head. “Even so…you deserve to be taken care of. To have someone in your corner, looking out for you.”

Her sincerity and fierce protectiveness are almost too much. I have to look away, swallowing hard against the sudden tightness in my throat. “Yeah, well…” I trail off, clearing my throat. “I’ve been going it alone for a long time now. You get used to it after a while.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her expression soften into something achingly tender. “You don’t have to, you know,” she says. “Not anymore.”

Her words hang in the air, weighted with unspoken promise. Slowly, I turn to face her again, my breath catching at her nearness. When did she move so close?

Elyse’s gaze drops to my lips, and I can’t stop the way my eyes are drawn to her mouth in turn. Plump, rosy, and so damn tempting. She licks her lips, and a tremor of pure desire lances through me.

This is insane. She’s Sam’s little sister, for god’s sake, but even as the thought surfaces, it’s drowned out by the thunderous pounding of my heart and the molten heat pooling in my gut.

She leans in closer, her eyes slipping shut. I can feel her breath on my lips now and smell her sweet floral shampoo. It would be so easy to close that last sliver of distance between us…

With a herculean effort, I tear my gaze away, clenching my jaw. “We should get that cocoa started.” My voice sounds strangled even to my own ears.

For a beat, she doesn’t move, disappointment flickering across her delicate features. Then, she pulls back with a small nod. “Right. Cocoa. Good idea.”

I force myself to my feet, scrubbing a hand down my face. What the hell was I thinking? I need to regain control before I do something incredibly stupid.

She follows me into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as I bustle about heating the milk and adding the ingredients. An awkward silence stretches between us, thick with unspoken tension. I can still feel the phantom warmth of her nearness and taste the promise of her lips on mine.

By some miracle, I manage to make it through preparing the drinks without incident. I hand Elyse her mug, our fingers brushing in the exchange. It’s just a tiny spark, but it’s enough to set my pulse racing anew.

“Thanks,” she says, wrapping her hands around the steaming ceramic. She peers up at me from beneath her lashes, nibbling her lower lip. “For the cocoa…and for sharing your story with me.”

I nod as we return to the living room. Once seated beside her again, I lean back against the couch cushions with a contented sigh, deliciously relaxed. Elyse shifts beside me, her warmth tantalizingly close. While sipping cocoa, we settle in to watcha movie, with one thing leading to another until we found ourselves cuddled together beneath a shared blanket.

“This is nice,” she whispers. “Just…being here with you like this.”

A late-September rain shower punctuates the stillness of the night whenever there’s a pause in the movie. It’s cozy, being like this with her. I’m not a guy who normally does cozy, but I hum in agreement, eyes drifting shut as I savor the moment. Her floral scent surrounds me, lulling me into a state of utter peace. Who knew something so simple could feel so right?

On the screen, the movie drones on, but truthfully, I lost the plot long ago. I’m far too consumed by Elyse; the rise and fall of her breathing, and the occasional brush of her fingertips against my arm, which sends tingles racing along my skin.