“Yes. I need my wife to be a partner in all things. You don’t want me, though I think you’re attracted to me.” Pulling back, he shifts so his kilt covers the effects of being close to me. “Either way, your father is not the one who will win or lose, Astra. This is about us, not him.”
Even knowing he’s right, I can’t stand the idea of my father winning this battle. “My father will not see it that way.” I get up and, pushing aside the hurt look on Niko’s face, I head to the guest room, where I lock the door against an invasion I know will never come.
When the sun comes up, a mist hangs over the mountains outside the bedroom’s window. I want to ignore the letter still perched on my nightstand, but it calls to me.
Picking it up, I note the way his handwriting is neat, curved, and masculine. He has strong hands, but he said he’s a musician. He cooks like it’s all he’ll ever do. The dinner last night was one of the best meals of my life.
Niko is interesting, and I can’t escape thinking about him. I slip my finger under the corner of the envelope and tear the paper.
Dear Astra
First, I would like to thank you for agreeing to this marriage. At first, I was hesitant, but your father insisted thata match between us would be favorable. Generally, I’m not led by the will of gods or demigods like Nocturn, but he convinced me to think about it.
I apologize for not coming to New York directly. While I long to meet you in person, I have a life in Canada that I need to sort out. I own three restaurants for which I have to hire a general manager. Each has its own, but with me out of the country, I’ll need someone to oversee the entire operation.
As you can imagine, this will take me some time. I will come as soon as possible. I said at the start of this letter that I was initially uncertain about this arrangement. However, from the first moment I saw your photograph, I knew this was my only path.
I hope you feel the same and look forward to getting to know you before I arrive.
Niko Barbaros
The soft sounds of a guitar filter through the house as I hold the letter against my chest. What did he see in the picture? What photo had Father sent? It would be just like Father to send a photo to this stranger while leaving me in the dark about everything. Father didn’t want me to have time to make plans and run away.
If I had known Niko was kind before I came out of the tree, I would have told him I was tricked and wanted to leave.
A tear spills from my eye at the thought of never touching my forest again.
Dashing it away, I tuck the letter back into its envelope and get out of bed.
This deal with Niko ensures that I’ll never have to leave my home.
Once I’m wearing a light-blue sundress, I follow the sound downstairs, where I find a sticky note on the counter next to a smartphone.
The phone is for you. Pancakes are in the warming drawer. N
Grinning like a child at Yule, I tuck the phone into the pocket of my dress and round the counter to find the scent of vanilla and a blue light, which lead me to a stainless-steel drawer and a plate full of palm-sized pancakes.
There’s syrup on the counter, but I eat the delectable morsels plain.
He’s trying to win me over with the best food of my life and so far, it’s working. However, I’m still leaving in six days. I’m just doing so with a full belly.
On the porch overlooking the lake and valley, Niko sits strumming an acoustic guitar. He smiles as I open the French door. “Did you eat?”
“Yes. Thank you. They were delicious.” I walk to the railing and breathe in my trees. “This is a good view.”
“I’m glad you like it.” He stops playing.
“Thank you for the phone. You didn’t have to do that. I’ve managed a great many years without one.” I touch the glass object in my pocket.
“But now you have pockets and I can call you.” Chest bare, he puts the guitar aside and steps beside me.
“Buying me clothes and objects will not make me stay past our deal.” There’s no point in giving him false hope. I’ve already hurt the Wyvern this week, I don’t want to hurt Niko too.