“I need sex. Can you help?” It’s the only thing that makes sense. Once the deed is done, the aching for it will disappear as it always does. This is just my nature.
His kilt jerks violently. Closing his eyes, he groans. “Astra, is that really what you want?”
Sitting next to him, I’m careful not to touch him.
“I could seduce a human. There’s a campground ten miles?—”
“No.” He swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing alluringly. “I mean, please don’t.”
“I tried to take care of it myself, but that was not satisfying and I think it’s because you are here. I could run far away, but I promised you a week and this is only the second day. All I’m asking is for some mutual satisfaction and then we’ll both be more comfortable.” It’s hardly a difficult matter.
His face tightens as if I’ve caused him pain. He runs his hands over his hair and grips one of his horns.
Suddenly, my need to touch his horns grows. I wonder if they’re smooth or rough, warm or cool. I’ve never been much for longing. In fact, I’ll admit to being a bit spoiled. Freedom isreally the only thing I’ve ever lacked and even that is a matter of opinion. My father didn’t lock me in a tower; he demanded I follow the old ways, which includes my marrying at his whim.
I stifle my thoughts about both men and focus on what I want. I need relief from sexual tension. “Will you help me?”
“This is not how I imagined you wanting me.” His voice is tight and deeper than usual.
His phone vibrates from the middle of the tray holding a pitcher of iced tea and two glasses.
Father’s name flashes at the center of the screen.
My need is replaced with anger. “What does he want now?”
Picking up the phone, Niko sighs. “He delayed the nuptials and now our wedding hour approaches.”
Looking at the clock on my phone, I realize he’s probably right. It’s afternoon. I get up and narrow my gaze at Niko. “Neither you nor my father will bully me.”
Iwatch her storm into the house. She’s nearly as beautiful angry as she is when full of lust. I slide the screen to accept the call.
Nocturn’s angry voice forces me to hold the phone away from my ear. “Where are you? Where is my daughter? Why are you not here?”
“Why didn’t you ask Astra if she wished to marry? Why didn’t you tell her you had arranged a marriage? Why didn’t you give her my letters?”
He can try, but I’m hard to push around.
There’s a long pause. “She told you that? You saw Astra?”
Tired of questions and no answers, I calm my burst of annoyance and keep my voice even. “Astra has agreed to spend a few days in my house as my guest. She has not agreed to the marriage.”
“Bring her here. I’ll expect you in one hour.” He grumbles something about disobedience. “Tell her that if she doesn’t showherself, I will drag her home and keep her from her precious trees.”
Even though I have no intention of allowing Nocturn to punish Astra, I say nothing about it. “I will convey your request, but I expect you to honor the agreement she and I have made. There will be no wedding today unless it is what Astra wishes.”
“Be careful of your tone, boy. I’m not any ordinary monster.” Darkness thrums in his warning.
I could throw a similar warning back at him. While my parents were not gods, my grandfather was a demigod. “I shall not take a wife who doesn’t want me.”
Softer in tone, he says, “I only wish to talk to her. She’ll listen to me.”
I have my doubts. “I’ll see if she’s available to pay a call in one hour.”
Before Nocturn can protest, I disconnect the call.