“I know that, Astra. I thought you might like to go into town or to the lake, and I would like the ability to come to your aid, should you need me.” He grips the railing with white knuckles,but his expression is soft. Only the whitening of his knuckles indicates he’s less than under control.
“Have I upset you?” I slide my hand over his, hoping to ease whatever I’ve done.
“No.” He pulls his hand away. “I’m unable to control my arousal and I feel foolish. That’s all.”
Mind your own business and go in the house. You can go for that walk and that will get you away from him and ease his situation.I’m practically yelling inside my head to go, but I face him and study the set of his jaw and the kindness in his dark eyes. “I’ve heard that some satyrs are always erect. That must be inconvenient.” My nipples tighten and rub against my new dress.
One side of his mouth tips up. “I imagine that’s true, but until a few weeks ago I had been in full control of my cock since my teen years.”
“Oh. Then I’m the problem. I’ll go for that walk.” I never want to harm anyone and his condition must be very uncomfortable.
Before I can get away, he wraps his hand around my upper arm. His breath tickles the shell of my ear. “You are not a problem, Astra. Wanting you is not an inconvenience.”
The soft, strong tone of his voice reminds me that his hands have the same quality. It’s likely he’s a very good lover with both tenderness and intensity. My clit pulses and my breath catches. “That’s a nice thing to say. I’ll visit my trees and you can…do what you need to do to…” My cheeks heat. I can’t remember ever being embarrassed before, but I’m sure I’m blushing.
“Does the notion of me masturbating bother you?” His grip eases and he skims his fingers along the inside of my elbow.
Bother is an interesting choice of words. “I’m going for a swim.” I step out of his reach and without looking back, rush through the house and out the front door.
Even as I run my fingers over the trunks of trees and hear their deep voices echoing their health, my mind will not give me peace. I envision Niko’s big hand wrapped around his thick, hard cock. I know he’s running that hand from base to tip and thinking of me, or maybe about some woman he left in Canada. Why should I feel jealous? He’s not mine. It’s normal to be sexually aroused by a man with a large cock. It’s normal to want to have sex.
I run through the woods, kicking off the uncomfortable shoes so I can feel the earth beneath my feet. Moving faster and faster down the side of the mountain, I only slow when I hear a strange beep and my pocket vibrates.
It can only be one person. It can only be a beautiful satyr. I lift the phone from and see Niko’s name on the screen. I click and a text opens.
I’m not chasing you. Why are you running?
I look back at the house. Can he see me this far away? Do satyrs have exceptional senses? I should have studied harder when I was young.
I would know if someone was chasing me. The trees would tell me.
Good to know.
Are you angry that I left?
Three dots blink for a moment then disappear.
No. Come back when you’re ready. I have things to occupy my time until you return.
I slip the phone back into my pocket and continue to wonder if he’s masturbating. Why can’t I get him out of my head? I never fantasize about sex. I’m the seducer, not the one who is seduced. Men want me because I’m a nymph and my magic is to lure people away. I’ve never been much for keeping any of the lovers I’ve seduced. After a while, it’s a bore to manipulate humans and monsters. Besides, it reminds me too much of my father’s passion for getting people to do his bidding.
At the edge of the lake, I strip out of my dress, careful to make sure my new phone is safe. I wade in to my thighs, then deeper. The cold water helps alleviate some of my pent-up longing for Niko and his big cock. The way I’m thinking about it, it’s as if I’ve seen him naked. Perhaps it’s worse to have an idea about something than the truth. However, there’s little doubt from the way it moves his kilt that a lot is hiding under there.
I swim to the center and float on my back while the sun rises higher in a clear blue sky. Still warm, the day should be perfect. As I become one with the water, it occurs to me that I like Niko. Damn. That’s the problem. Father ruins everything. If he hadn’t forced a satyr on me, it might be different. There’s no way I’m letting Father win. “Never!”
Damp from swimming but no less aroused than hours before, I walk up the path from the lake to the house. I touch as many trees as I can. At the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the porch, I take a deep breath.
Niko is wearing a chambray shirt with the buttons open to mid-chest. He has a glass of iced tea halfway to his lips when he stops to watch me climb the last few steps. He puts the glass down. “Are you alright?”