I show her upstairs to the two guest rooms and the main suite. “Would you like me to go and get your things from your father’s house while you rest?”

“Do you have a phone?” Taking the smartphone from me, she walks out of my bedroom and chooses the guest room with the best view of the forest.

I follow like a lamb.

Sitting on the edge of the queen bed, she dials a number. “Hi Paula, it’s me. No. I’m fine. I understand. Can you pack a bag for me? A satyr will come and pick it up. A week. Thank you.” She hangs up and hands me my phone.

“I’ll be back before you wake up,” I promise. “You don’t have a phone?”

Pushing herself to the center of the bed, she rolls to her side and curls into a ball. “I’ve never had pockets before.” The sorrow in her voice breaks my heart.

Kneeling at the side of the bed, I brush her hair from her face. “Astra, you can do anything you want. Sleep here, paint a masterpiece, run off with a dragon, and write a novel. You have free will.”

A large tear runs down the bridge of her nose. “Free will is an illusion for humans. That’s what Father would say.” She closes her eyes and another tear joins the first.

As silently as my hooves will allow, I step from her room. Winning her trust means undoing a lifetime of repression, but I’m up for the challenge. At the tree earlier, I thought I could dominate my nymph into submission, but once I met her, I knew that wasn’t the way, not for her and not for me.

The wyvern may have been satisfied with her joining him out of desperation, but I need more. When Astra comes to me, it has to be a decision she makes from her heart.



Ihate to admit it, but I slept better in the satyr’s house than I have in my life. Despite being promised to him, I don’t feel like a captive. He believes I will keep my promise to stay for the week, and I will. After that, I’ll figure out a new living arrangement. I’m never going back to my father’s house.

I stretch in the bed and gaze out at the pinks and purples lighting the sky with the setting sun. From here, I can see my entire forest, and it’s lovely. Sitting up, I note my luggage near the door and a large bag from a department store. Curious, I gather the bag and dump it out on the bed.

Jeans in several colors, shorts, dresses, blouses, shoes, and underthings the likes of which I’ve never worn tumble out.

There’s a knock on my door.

“Yes?” I look up from the human clothes.

Niko steps in, leaving the door open. He looks from me to the bed. “I hope you don’t mind. I asked Marissa to do me a favorand buy you a few things to wear. I assume what’s in your valise is…nymphlike…and thought you might prefer human clothes.”

My borrowed clothes are wrinkled and got a bit dirty when they fell off as I entered the tree. I rub a grass stain on the shirtsleeve. “That was thoughtful.” I want to dislike him, but he makes it very difficult. “Thank you.”

His kilt twitches. Turning slightly away, he nods. “I’ve made a salad and some fish. Paula said you rarely eat meat, but that you like fish.”

Damn Paula for giving him any information. Though, I’m sure she only worries that I’ll starve. I’d refuse to come to dinner, except my stomach is empty as I’ve not eaten since yesterday before Father told me about my impending marriage. Besides, I did say I would take my meals with him. Still, I feel foggy and grimy. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll bathe and change before I come down.”

He opens the door to his right. “Take your time. This bathroom is shared between the two guest rooms. It is yours for the week.” He turns as if to leave, but then stops. “If you need a larger tub, my bathroom might be preferable.”

I’m about to make a scathing remark when he holds up a hand. “I promise to give you your privacy.”

Without another word, he walks out and clomps down the stairs.

I wonder how he managed to get to my door without me hearing him coming. His hooves are loud. Satyrs are known for large, ready cocks, not stealthiness. My body reacts to the idea of his shaft twitching at my words of thanks. Is he always aroused or is it me?

It makes no difference. I open my suitcase and pull out a brush and other toiletries, then walk into the shared bathroom. The tub is slightly deeper than a standard bath and the otherfixtures are very nice. The tile is made to look like coppery stone and the double sinks are slightly raised from the long vanity.

Curiosity gets the better of me. Niko is the kind of man who will always keep his word. I’m safe upstairs. I stride down the hall, intent on looking at his tub. It can do no harm to look.

I step through his bedroom, which has a large king bed and two picture windows. The walls are painted a dark grayish blue, and the tray ceiling has hidden lights that cast a warm, sensual glow. Double doors open up to a bathroom with marble floors and a huge shower. The dark wooden cabinetry has marble tops and smooth copper-colored glass basins. Sitting under the window that faces my forest is a deep cream-colored tub with a rolled top, big enough for two, even if one is a very large satyr.

My body aches to sink into that and lifting my chin, I plunk my toiletries on the vanity, then start the water. In the cabinet under one sink, I find shaving supplies and other manly items. Under the other is rose-scented milk bath and a stack of fluffy white towels.

Once the bath is filled and scented, I strip out of my borrowed clothes and sink into the warm water. Staring out at the mountains and trees, I sigh with contentment. If only the satyr wasn’t here, this would be perfect.