Both of them stare back at me as if I have three heads.
Leona recovers first. She stands and takes a deep breath. “It’s hard to put into words.”
“Try.” Frustration wells up inside me. I want to do what’s best for Niko. It would be wrong to tie him to a woman who will never share his feelings.
A hint of a smile tugs at her lips. “When I’m with Cade, I’m happy. When I see him smile or laugh, it brings me joy. When I’m away from him, my heart yearns to find him again. If something good happens, I want to share the news with him first. If a tragedy came to me, it would be his shoulder I’d want to lean on for support. That’s love. At least, that’s the way it feels for me.”
Cade stands and wraps his arm around her shoulders. He opens his mouth as if he has something to add, but then shakes his head and blinks away some moisture in his eyes.
“I do miss Niko. I want to protect him. He listens to me when no one else in my life ever has. He not only wants me, but he’s excited about who I might become when I find my passions. I wrote a short story the other day and wanted to share it with him more than anything, but I was afraid.” The ache in my empty chest deepens.
“What were you afraid of?” Leona asks.
“That I could need him and he could leave.” It hits me like a bucket of cold water. “I’m in love with Niko.”
Nodding, Cade smiles. “It would seem so, old friend.”
“What if Father kills him? I’ve got to go.” I run to the door.
“Wait. I’ll drive you.” Cade grabs keys from a small table near the door.
We step onto the wraparound porch as the security at the gate beeps.
Stepping back inside, Cade looks at the screen. “I think your satyr found you.”
The Jeep is on the screen, and in the window, Niko’s teeth are bared. “Is Astra here?”
Without answering, Cade presses a button. “He’ll be here in a minute.” He nudges me toward the steps. “We’ll be right inside if you need us.”
Leona takes his hand. “But I doubt you will.”
Once the door is shut with me on the outside, I stare down the driveway as the headlights get closer. My legs shake, so I sit on the wooden steps. The bottom of my dress is covered in dirt and a leaf falls from my hair.
The Jeep stops and my satyr climbs out. “Are you alright, Astra?”
I look at him as if seeing him for the first time. His dark hair is wavy, the perfect frame to his handsome face, and the sensual curve of his horns. His shoulders are broad and his torso tapers to a narrow waist. I can practically feel the ripple of his six-pack abs. He’s looking at me with worry and caring.
My bottom lip quivers.
I run into his arms. “I shouldn’t have left you with him. I’m sorry. I never should have run, but I thought he would follow me and leave you alone.”
“Shh…” He combs his fingers through my hair. “I’m fine. He would have chased you, but I will never allow anyone to cause you harm, not even your father. I held him in the house and resolved his magic.”
“How did you do that?” My father is very powerful. I’ve never seen anyone stronger.
“My grandfather was a demigod. Nocturn’s magic will not work on me. Besides, I will always protect you, even if you don’t want to marry me, Astra. No one will force their will on you, I swear it.”
I press my hands to his chest and look at his strong jaw and beautiful mouth. “Why?”
A soft smile tugs at his lips. “Because I love you, Astra. I have loved you since first seeing your picture. Our bond is not breakable, no matter what decisions you make. I will respect your choices, but I’ll never abandon you.”
There seems to be no end to the number of tears I can produce. My heart pounds and my soul yearns to be one with this magnificent satyr. “I was wrong, Niko. I’m not like Father. I can love. I love you. It’s only that I had nothing to compare all these feelings with.”
Cupping my jaw, he kisses me softly. “I would have waited a lifetime to hear you say those words.”
“Can you forgive me?” My throat tightens, knowing I don’t deserve his forgiveness.