“As far as I can tell,” Nelson said under his breath.
“Good,” Bryn said sincerely as he stood. “Take it from an old medic, laughter is the very best medicine. I’m gonna let Fletch and Arawn know Everly’s awake and feeling better,” he told everyone as he headed for the door, pausing to take a few lunges before he reached the hall.
Everly opened his mouth to ask Bryn to come back, but pulled in his lips and held in his whimper. He didn’t know verymany things and he was often scared in new places. The men around him seemed kind and patient and Bryn had promised he wasn’t going anywhere so Everly did his best to be quiet and brave.
Merlin leaned and his neck stretched so he could admire Bryn’s backside, then chuckled. “I do believe it’s working,” he said with a shrug as he turned back to Everly. “But theoldmedic is correct: laughter is the best medicine and we do our best to embrace joy and share our light,” he added with a wink at Nox.
“We do, indeed. You’re safe here with us and with Bryn and his brother. But I would die for Fletcher Bixby. He’s saved my ass a few times so mi casa es su casa. We don’t have any secrets here, not from you, but I suggest adjusting to your reality before you jump into the mystical and mythological deep end with us.”
“I guess that’s fair,” Everly murmured. “I’ve spent my whole life hoping for answers and a solution for this,” he said with a resigned sigh, pointing at his own face. “But Ineverrealized that I wasn’t…real. I’m a beautiful dummy. A cursed doll a fairy made to ruin humans’ lives.”
“That doesn’t have to beallyou are,” Nox said and whistled. “Boy, do I know what it feels like to be cursed with a fate you can’t outrun. But, guess what: I survived thekingof all curses and am living happily ever after. So can you.”
“He is putting it rather mildly,” Merlin said with an amused snort. “Very mildly. You will be as right as rain soon, take my word for it. Especially if that lapdog of yours has a say in the matter,” he teased.
“What if I hurt Bryn too?” Everly asked as the thought came to him. They had only shared one conversation, technically, but Everly couldn’t stand the thought of seeing Bryn suffer and lose everything, the way everyone else had because of him.
There was a heavy, knowing sigh from Merlin as he shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore, lad. We canhelp you change butyoucannot hurt Bryn. He’s immune and damn near indestructible.”
“Really?” Everly mouthed, his voice suddenly gone as he started to cry, he was so, so happy. “He won’t—” he choked and fanned his face. “You all won’t go crazy because of me?”
“No, no, no!” Merlin shook his head. “I told you, you’re safe with us and you aren’t alone anymore, Everly. I promise you, you are not damned. That…being that was hunting you, on the other hand…” Merlin’s face pinched with disgust. “A truly damned and foul thing, mark my words.”
“Are there more like me? Are they in danger too?” Everly asked and Merlin’s scowl grew more severe.
“Of course there are more like you, and I fear that he has already fed upon many, if he is as powerful as Bryn tells us. Wild fae magick is extremely potent. Look at the effect you have on humans! You’re quite the catch.”
“Maybe…” Everly wasn’t convinced he was worth all that much. “Where can we find the others, so we can warn them?”
“Find them?” Merlin repeated, looking mystified. “Well… I might start with the toddler pageants. But look very closely at the mothers since you wouldn’t want to sniff the contestants. Lots of precious little fae with demented mothers hiding there. Spelling bees as well. Very odd, the lengths some parents will go to help their child win aspelling contest.”
“What about the adults? Where can I find adults like me?” Merlin’s and Nox’s somber expressions screamed volumes. “I see…” Everly said shakily.
“Love often goes wrong, but it usually goes terribly wrong for the leannán sí,” Merlin said, then waved it off. “That will not be your fate, you have my word for it.”
“Nope,” Nox agreed as Nelson shook his head.
“You’re in good hands now. Just watch Merlin’s hands, though. He can be trusted as long as you watch his hands,” Nelson warned and Nox nodded.
“A heart of gold, but he’s definitely going to grab your butt.”
Merlin shrugged and smiled. “I probably will and I won’t let anyone harm a hair on your head ever again,” he said without a hint of shame and Nelson pointed.
“That’s true too.”
“What’s true?” Bryn asked as he returned with another cup of tea.
“I can trust Merlin with my life, but not my butt,” Everly summarized and Bryn rolled his eyes.
“Learned that one the hard way.”
“Why don’t we clear out so they can check in with each other?” Nox said to Merlin.
“Good thinking,” he said with a chuckle. “I was going to restock the herbs and oils in the pantry. We went through a heap the other night.”
“I’ll give you a hand with that,” Nox replied as they left.
Bryn raised his brows at Everly. “How are you doing? You’ve had a hell of a lot more than soup to digest since you woke up.”