Page 96 of Falling for Finn

“Ya didn’t have to do that.” I smack his shoulder.

“You’re family,” he explains. “Your money’s no good here.”

“What are they doing with it?” Oakley asks.

“We wrap them for travel and send you away with care instructions,” Levi explains.

“Wow, that’s fancy,” she says. “You know, the scenery has me itching to go to my art oasis and paint,” she tells Levi and me on the way back.

“My offer still stands. The gift shop could use your magical artwork. You’ll see what I’m talking about when you go in there. The wall behind the front counter is bland and has a big spot waiting for it,” he says.

“I’ll do it on one condition,” Oakley offers, and Levi waits for her to continue. “I need a sleigh ride that lasts longer than ten minutes.”

“Shit, that’s easy. Consider it done.”

Oakley beams wide, and I wrap my arm around her as we squeeze through the crowd. We go to the pickup area, and once our tree is loaded, Levi thanks us for coming.

“Sorry, it’s hectic.” His walkie-talkie keeps going off because they’re so damn busy.

“Your farm is beautiful,” Oakley explains, giving Levi a big hug. “It was good seeing you, and thanks so much for the tree. We’re gonna decorate the hell out of it.”

He chuckles. “Hope you have a lot of decorations.”

“If not, we’ll make some.” She turns to me. “Art project style.”

“Yay!” I say sarcastically. “As long as no glitter is involved.”

“There will be piles of it,” she mocks.

Levi tells us goodbye and excuses himself before we make our way into the gift shop.

Christmas music plays as soon as we enter, and I immediately smell gingerbread cookies. It’s as hectic inside as it is outside. I keep a tight hold on Oakley for no reason other than I like her close, and we grab two cups of hot cocoa.

“We should get this,” she says, holding up a turtle dove ornament that says our first Christmas.

“Our first Christmas and first ornament. Lots of firsts together.” I smile. “I love it.”

“Me too,” she tells me as we finish our cocoa and make our way to the counter. As we wait in line, Oakley stands on hertiptoes to get a look at the wall behind the counter, and she gasps.

“They wrapped the wall in Christmas paper. No wonder he wants something there. It’s horrendous.”

I laugh. “His mom did it, and I think the only way she’d remove it is for one of your paintings. He’s begged her for years to tear it down. She’s refused.”

Her face squishes. “I better start on it tomorrow, then.”

After we pay for our ornament, we stand in the flurries, waiting for the sleigh ride to return. After we hop on, I press a kiss on her warm lips.

“Thank you for taking me here. I loved every minute of it.”

“Even in the cold?”

She chuckles. “I’m pretty sure my ass is sweating.”

“Told you!” I say with a laugh as she leans into my side and takes in her surroundings.

“So after we decorate this tree, we’re watchingElffrom beginning to end, right?” She lifts her brow, and I laugh because she remembered.

“Does it include hard apple cider?”