“I’m giving you a different perspective from the outside. Only you know how you truly feel and what you and Finn experienced. Regardless of yourfling, you were hired for a great commission job, received some nice exposure online, built your portfolio, and met a bunch of new people. If you weren’t sad about leaving after having an amazing new experience, I’d be worried that you were a psycho with no emotions,” she tells me.
I can hear the smile in her voice. My sister is logical and thinks differently than I do, so I always appreciate her insight.
“You’re right about that. It was an experience of a lifetime. Maybe I need some good quality sleep. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in my own bed, and on top of all that, I’m mentally exhausted.”
“That’s very true. You have a lot of decisions to make. You just completed two huge projects back-to-back that took a lot of mental and physical work. Gotta give yourself some grace, Oakley.”
“Yes,mother,” I say with love, knowing she’s going to be an amazing parent with good advice. My niece will be so lucky to have Tiernan as her mom.
“Go home and rest for a few days, then see how you feel once you’re not exhausted. Promise me, okay?”
“I promise.”
Tiernan chuckles. “You know they say distance makes the heart grow fonder. And if it doesn’t, no big deal. You’re young, beautiful, and talented, so there’s no rush on who you’ll spend forever with.”
“Before you called me, I broke down in the bathroom. I’ve never done that before.” I laugh at myself. “But I’m already starting to feel a lot better after chatting with you and letting it all out.”
“Good. Cheer up because it’s all going to work out. It always does. Try to remember to take baby steps so you don’t overwhelm yourself. I know you, Oakley. You go, go, go nonstop. You always have.”
“I can’t help it, but I’ll try. Thanks for talking me off the ledge.”
“Of course. What are big sisters for?”
I chuckle. “Conversations like this.”
After I’m much calmer, we talk about the baby and the surf shop. I’m happy to have the distraction.
Once it’s time to board my flight, I let her know I have to go.
“Thank you again,” I graciously say. “Seriously.”
“You’re welcome, sis. Text me when you get home, okay?”
“I will. Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
I board the plane, and as we lift off into the air, I watch the autumn colors disappear below the clouds. A few tears roll down my cheeks, and I wipe them away before closing the window blind.
I have no idea what the future holds, but my heart will forever be in Vermont with Finn. We might’ve only been together for a short time, but the pain will last a long time.
“You look like shit,”Jessa tells me when I enter the inn.
I glare, huffing in response.
She’s not wrong. I can’t fucking sleep.
It’s been two grueling weeks since I dropped Oakley off at the airport, and it feels like I haven’t slept since then. I got used to holding her and us snuggling through the night. Now my bed is cold and lonely.
As I grab a plate, Jessa walks over. “Need a tranq? I’m sure I can find you one. Knock your ass out for a few days.”
“I’m not in the mood,” I growl, trying my hardest to ignore her, but she keeps following me around the buffet.