Page 78 of Falling for Finn

She wipes her mouth with her napkin. “I think pure silence is one of the things I’ll miss the most. I’d never get that living in my apartment. If sirens aren’t blaring, it’s my loud-ass neighbors.”

“I couldn’t handle that. However, it’s not always like this, though. In the summer, the crickets are loud as hell.”

After we finish eating and put our dishes in the sink, I join Oakley with a box of graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows.

“S’mores?” Her eyes light up with excitement as she scoots to the edge of her chair.

“Hope you saved room.” I hand her a retractable roasting stick that automatically spins when a button is pushed.

“This is cheating.” She watches the two prongs at the end twirl in a circle.

I make a face, and she giggles. “Then don’t press the button and do it the old-fashioned way. I prefer mine to be roasted evenly.”

“A s’more connoisseur. Honestly, that’s a good thing. Burning it to a crisp creates carcinogens, which aren’t healthy.”

I burst into laughter. “You and your random facts.”

“Everyone knows that, right?”


She shrugs. “I was in Girl Scouts for like two weeks when I was seven, and my mom quickly realized outdoorsy things weren’t for me. Same with sports. Basically, if you needed a smart kid who could draw and paint, I was your girl. Everything else, forget it. Funny enough, as an adult, not much has changed.”

“At least she knew your strengths and encouraged that. Otherwise, we might’ve never met.” I shoot her a wink.

“That’s very true. I’ll have to thank her for that the next time we chat,” Oakley says as she carefully places a marshmallow on the end of the stick.

“You have to prepare your cracker and chocolate before you start roasting. Otherwise, it’s a sticky disaster.”

She chuckles. “I’m following your lead, Country Boy. Show me how it’s done.”

I hand her all the supplies and do the same for myself. We place our sticks in the fire and let them do the work.

“If there was a contest for marshmallow roasting, you’d win.” She states it as a fact.

“You pull it out when it’s lightly toasted like this.” I show her and then walk her through the process of building the perfect s’more.

I use the top of the graham cracker to smoosh the gooey marshmallow onto the chocolate and pull out the stick, then set it to the side. She follows my lead, then takes her first bite. When she moans, my cock springs to life.

“This isorgasmic.”

I chuckle as I eat mine.

“Sticky, but I don’t mind that,” she says, placing her finger in her mouth and sucking it off. Now she’s teasing me.

After we’ve finished eating, I hold her as she sits on my lap. We don’t say much as we watch the flames lick and devour the remaining wood. As the sun sets, the temperature drops, and Oakley shivers.

“Let’s go inside,” I mutter, and she happily leads the way.

Oakley sits on the couch. Reaching for the remote, she flicks on the TV. I go to the kitchen and dig around in the fridge.

“Want some cider?” I ask.

“Hell yeah!”

When I hand hers over, she studies the logo and reads the words on the back of the can. “This is from the distillery?”

“Yep. It’s my favorite flavor, too. Sour apple.”