Page 74 of Falling for Finn

“What do you mean?”

“With my grandson.”

I swallow hard. “Oh.”

“I may be getting older, but I see fine.”

“I still don’t understand.”

“He’s in love with you, Oakley. I know you two were pretending to date.”

“You did?”

“Of course. I’m aware it happened because his ex was here, but I also know you can’t fake real feelings.”

“I-I’m not sure about that.”

She pats my shoulder. “Trust me, dear. He’s smitten with you.”

Something moreisbrewing between us, but we agreed to make the most of our time together until I had to leave. That’s all it could be.

“I very much feel the same,” I admit. “Maybe it’s aright person, wrong timekind of situation.”

“I know you live far away, but I hope you’ll at least come back to visit. You’re basically a part of our family now.”

“I hope so too,” I tell her honestly, though I’m not sure that’ll be possible. She shoots me a wink, and we join everyone in the living room.

After an hour of chatting, Finn and I leave. After my text conversation with my sister this morning, and then Levi, and now his grandmother, my head is spinning. I hate that everyone knows I’ll be the reason for his heartbreak.

It won’t be easy for me, either. But what choice do I have?

“You okay?” Finn glances over at me as he drives us to his house.

“Can you pull over?” I ask.

We’re only a few minutes away, but this can’t wait.

“Sure. Is everything okay?”

As soon as he puts the truck in park, I climb over and straddle him. He quickly moves his seat back to give us more room.

I crash my lips to his, he braces my hips, and together we rock against each other.

“Pull your pants down,” I order, lifting my skirt as he does.

Then he moves my panties to the side and lines up our centers before I impale myself on him. We moan in unison as we frantically make love.

I can’t get enough and can already feel him slipping away. I’m going to miss him more than I want to admit.

“Fuck, that was hot,” he murmurs after we come down from our highs.

“We steamed up the windows.” I laugh as I shimmy my dress down and sit next to him.

He waggles his brows. “Now, let’s go home and steam up the shower.”

I snort at his joke. “Lead the way, Country Boy.”