Page 70 of Falling for Finn

I snort as Finn shakes his head.

“You better close your eyes because I’m about to kiss her.”

“Ooh, a free rideanda show?”

Finn presses his mouth to mine, but I can’t stop laughing. Every word Levi says agitates Finn more.

“We better go. I’ll grab your stuff.”

I cup his face and smack my lips to his. “Thanks.”

“I’m not sitting bitch!” Levi calls out, opening the door and strutting out.

“Thank God,” Finn shouts when I realize I’ll be squished in the middle of them. I don’t mind, though. Levi cracks me up as he helps Finn carry my art supplies to the truck. He’s well over six feet and is built like a lumberjack yet is so bubbly. They’re complete opposites that it’s a wonder they’re even friends.

“So, California, have you met any movie stars?” Levi asks, and I snort at his new nickname for me.

“A few but not super famous ones. You need to have connections to get invited to the big events. I pursue a lot of local and independent galleries, and not a lot of A-listers go to those. However, I interned at a highly reputable gallery in LA for a semester, and Trent Hugo came in with his entourage. It waswild.”

“What was he looking for?” Levi asks as Finn drives us into town.

“From what I gathered, a gift for someone. He only said a few words to me, but once he found something he liked, he bought it and left.” I shrug. “There have been a few others, like lingerie model, Meghan Bailey, but I don’t get starstruck easily, so I stopped paying attention.”

“I would literally shit myself if I saw a supermodel,” Levi exclaims.

“Jesus Christ,” Finn mutters, shaking his head as he focuses on the road.

I glance over at Finn. “Oh yeah. She’s gorgeous. I’d put her on my free pass list.”

Levi chuckles, slapping a hand on his leg. “Maybe we should take a trip to LA? Let Oakley give us the proper Cali tour.”

“They’d eat you up and spit you out,” I tease.

Finn’s clenches his jaw, clearly not enjoying this conversation. “But I only go into the city when I have a commission or an interview. Normally, I’m at home painting and listening to audiobooks.”

“Yeah, Finn told me you like very spicy books.” Levi waggles his brows.

I playfully roll my eyes as Finn chuckles. “That’s not how I described them,” Finn says.

“He called them audio pornos,” Levi admits.

“You laugh but don’t knock it till you try it. I’ll send you some recs. I bet you could learn a thing or two,” I throw at Levi.


“Levi’s dated almost every girl in our graduating class,” Finn tells me.

“Oh, so you’rethattype of guy. Got it.”

“Dude.” Levi scoffs. “Give her some context at least.”

“What?” I ask, confused.

Finn glances over at me, smirking. “There were only eight girls total.”

