Page 98 of Falling for Finn

“She will in an hour.”

I scoff. “Fine. I’ll introduce you to my boyfriend, I suppose.”

She laughs as Everett and Finn walk in with our luggage. “Oops, sorry. I forgot to grab my bag.”

Everett smirks as if he knows better than to say anything.

“Finn, meet my sister, Tiernan.”

Tiernan immediately gives him a hug. Finn looks at me over her head, and I snicker. “I told her you gave the best bear hugs and she wanted to see for herself.”

“I’m right here.” Everett playfully clears his throat.

“Aw, feeling left out? I gave you a hug earlier!” I exclaim, then open my arms. “Do you want another?”

Tiernan chuckles, releasing her hold on Finn. “It’s nice to see you in person. From the times we’ve talked and everything I’ve heard about you, it’s like I already know you.”

“Same,” Finn agrees.

The past six months have been wild. While finding my new normal living with Finn, I worked with Jessa a lot to build my social media presence. I started painting during live streams and let strangers on the internet ask questions about my techniques. On top of that, Jessa helped me make a professional-looking website where I can show off my pieces. There’s also a tab with my contact information so people can easily reach out to me. Everything she’s done has been a game changer for my career, and I don’t think I could’ve done it without her help. Instead of feeling this overwhelming stress about finding new clients, I now have a waiting list.

Between all of that, I’ve been keeping up with my sister and their surrogate since she was due a couple of months ago. I’ve never cried so hard in my life when they FaceTimed me and I saw my niece for the very first time.

“Are you hungry? I can make us something,” Tiernan offers.

“I’m giving it thirty minutes before I go in there and steal her,” I say. “But yes, I could eat.”

Everett pats my back. “Sit tight. I’ll go check and see if she’s still snoozing.”

I can hardly stand the wait and am ready to climb the stairs two at a time to see her. This baby will be glued to my arms for the next five days.

“Grilled cheese with pickles. Is that still your favorite?” Tiernan asks as she looks in the fridge.

“Yeah, when I was nine.” I laugh, and Finn makes a face. “Sounds delicious.”

Ten minutes later, Everett walks downstairs, and I nearly scream in excitement.

“She’s still sleepy,” he tells me.

My eyes well up as soon as he places her in my arms. “Oh my gosh,” I whisper, rubbing her soft cheek. “Bluebell Rayne, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Finn stands next to me with his hand on my shoulder. “She’s precious.”

“Did you know I named her?” I beam with pride as I tell Finn the whole story of how it came about.

“But we call her Belle for short,” Everett says.

“No,wedon’t,” I argue. “She looks like a Bluebell.”

“She does,” Tiernan agrees. “But Belle is cute, too.”

“Sweet Bluebell, you better come to me with all your boy problems, okay? When your dad’s embarrassing you or won’t give you money, you call your auntie Oakley.”

Everett shoots me a glare at the mention of boyfriends, and I laugh. Then I glance over at Tiernan.

“So when are you having the next one?”

Five days pass by way too fast, and I’m in tears when we have to say goodbye. It won’t be easy for them to travel for a while, so I promised we’d visit again as soon as we can.