Page 93 of Falling for Finn

“Almost ready?” I ask as Oakley slides a beanie over her head and then puts on some gloves. Although she’s dressed in double layers, she’s still convinced it won’t be enough to keep her warm.

Moving closer, I lean in and steal a kiss. “You’re adorable.”

“It’s negative degrees out there right now,” she explains, pointing at the window. “It’s nothing but white.”

“Would be easy to paint, though.”

Now she’s laughing. “Might have to test out that theory.”

I walk over to a blank canvas and point at it. “See, I created this yesterday.”

She playfully rolls her eyes and comes closer. “Wow, the shading and detail. I should put this online and sell it.”

“How much do you think I could make?”

She snorts. “About twelve bucks.”

“Is that how much this size canvas cost?”

Oakley nods and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me close to her. “Sometimes you’re goofy as hell.” She slides her tongue between my lips, and I’m tempted to take her upstairs and say fuck it. Although Levi would probably be pissed since we’ve been promising to visit the Christmas tree farm since Oakley moved here.

“Might have to unwrap you like a present if you keep that up,” I mutter, pressing a soft kiss on her nose.

“Not happening, Country Boy. Do you know how hard it was to pull my jeans over my thermals, then to put ski pants on top of that?”

“Your pussy is gonna be on fire later, babe. The ski pants are enough.”

She chuckles. “Just warming up your snack.”

“Mm, tempting. But we should get going so we can hurry up and come back home before more snow falls.”

Oakley walks to the window and watches the flurries fall. “You’re sure it’s safe to drive in this?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing. I have chains on the tires anyway. Trust me?”

“Of course, but you better go start the truck so it’s warm and toasty for me when I get in.”

“It’s already waiting for ya,” I tell her with a wink, and her smile widens.

“And this is why I love you.”

I lead the way to the truck and open Oakley’s door. She rushes in, coughing from the cold.

“My lungs don’t know how to handle this air. I think California weather ruined me.”

“You’ll acclimate, and before it’s all over, I’m determined to have you love a true New England winter.”

“We’ll see about that,” she murmurs as we slowly drive down the old country road toward Levi’s place.

We’ve been so busy that we haven’t had a chance to put up a tree yet, and since I had a day off, I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity. It’s our first Christmas as a couple, and I want it to be extra special. Plus, Oakley’s been dying to visit his farm.

“Prepare to be amazed,” I say as we turn toward Levi’s. This is the busiest time of the year for him and his family, and it might be the only time I’ll get to see him until after the holidays. Christmas is only two weeks away, so the place is jam-packed.

When we arrive at the parking lot, there are no free spaces, and the overflow is a long walk. So I improvise by driving onto the curb and hope no one says anything. I glance over at Oakley, and she’s shaking her head.

“We could’ve walked.”

“Being a rebel is more fun, though.”