Page 92 of Falling for Finn

“If you think I’m even close to being done with you”—he peppers kisses along my jawline—“you have another thing coming. We have two weeks to make up for.”

And for the next several hours, we do.

“So there’s something else I wanted to ask,” I say as we eat a frozen pizza in bed. It’s all that was left in his house since he neglected to go grocery shopping while I was gone.

“What’s that?”

“How’d your grandma find out about us fake dating?”

He arches a brow. “You knew about that, huh? I didn’t find out until after you left, and she gave me a whole-ass speech about letting you leave.”

“Aw…” I smirk. “Willa loves me.”

“She’s gonna lose her mind when she finds out you’re here.”

“She told me you weresmittenwith me,” I singsong.

He snorts. “I don’t know how she knew, but I’m guessing it’s because she hears everything.”

“Or she knows you better than you realize.”

“Probably. That little sneak.”

He leans in to brush sauce off my lip. “What’d your sister say when you told her you were coming here?”

“She’s the one who pushed for it. I read the letter to her. She said I’d forever regret not seeing where this leads, and the thought had me in tears. I didn’t want to live without knowing, so I booked a one-way ticket, and voilà, here I am.”

“Can’t wait to thank her someday.” He grins.

“I was thinking we should fly down there next summer after the baby is born. Then we can do formal introductions.”

“Sounds perfect.”

After we finish eating, we snuggle in bed, and as he holds me, I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. “So we’re doing this, right? No temporary fling or fake labels. We’re together?”

I hate how insecure my voice sounds, but the last time we made an arrangement, we were left heartbroken, so I need to be one hundred percent certain this is for real.

“Sunshine.” He strokes his thumb over my cheek. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. I lost you once, and I don’t ever want to lose you again.”

I pull him in for a kiss. “Good. Because I’m not letting you go.”




When Oakley toldme she had a lot of art supplies in storage, I thought she was joking until it all showed up on a shipping truck. What she’d sent for her project was only a small fraction of what she had. Never knew a person could own so many easels in different sizes, colors, or materials. Large, small, cherry wood, or metal—the options seem unlimited.

Since Oakley has been super busy and has several online orders to fulfill, my grandmother is allowing her to use the cottage. It’s become her own personal art oasis, and it’s working out perfectly to give her space to work and store all her stuff.

Since she’s such a fast painter, she’s been taking and finishing small jobs every few days. When she’s bored or needs a change of scenery, she helps at the inn and bakery. My mother and aunt adore her. Hell, the whole family does.

Not one of them was shocked when she returned.

I think I was the only one.

Her being here with me has been a dream come true. I’ve never slept better in my life than when I have her in my bednext to me. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. Not positive what I did in a past life to deserve someone so kind and caring who still tries to be a pain in my ass, but I’m thankful for how things turned out.