Page 67 of Falling for Finn

And she can’t fly there every once in a while for work? I mean, honestly…she could.


It’s not only that. Our lives are in different places, too. I was ready to settle down, and she’s just getting hers started.

Now that she’s finished with grad school, she can focus on her career.


I don’t know, man. Sounds like lame excuses to me.


Too bad I didn’t ask you.


I’m your best friend, so you know I’m gonna give you my advice and opinions regardless.


Keep it to yourself for once.


Ha! You’re in way deeper than I thought.

I roll my eyes and pocket my phone, leaving him on read. Once I give Marcia my order, I wait at the pickup counter and think about what he said. Levi has a long dating history and still hasn’t foundthe one, so I hardly consider him an expert.

But I can’t deny there’s truth to what he said.

Iamin deep.Too deep.

And I’m fucking screwed.

Fifteen minutes pass, and I make my way back to Oakley, who’s deep in thought. Her pencil moves quickly over the page, and I could watch her like this for hours. Her blond hair blows in the wind as she squints her eyes and nibbles on her bottom lip.

“Here ya go,” I say quietly, not wanting to interrupt her concentration.

“Oh, thank you. Such a perfect fake boyfriend.” She smiles wide over the rim of the cup before taking a sip.

“I’m well practiced,” I reply.

“Wanna see what I have so far?” she asks, setting down her cup.

“Absolutely.” I sit next to her.

She flips her book around to show me. “I’m thinking of painting downtown from this angle to capture the buildings on each side of the street and the cute little businesses here. Then once I see how everything is set up for the festival, I can add in all the small details of the decorations and booths.”

“I love it,” I tell her genuinely. “At the end of the block, a stage for the band will be set up, and the middle of the square will have lots of games, food, and activities for kids.”

“That’s gonna look so cool,” she exclaims, closing her sketchbook. “I can’t wait to go home and get started!”

I wrap my arm around her and pull her in for a kiss. “I can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re finished. I’m sure it will be incredible.”