“While you’re all here and enjoying yourselves, I wanted to share something I’ve dreamed of having for years. It’s something that we can all cherish. Oakley?” Grandma calls out, scanning through the crowd. She blocks her eyes from the sun with her hand, and Oakley stands and waves. “Come up here, sweetheart. I’d like for you to do the honors.”
I grin. “Go ahead.”
She makes her way up and meets my grandma on stage.
“I first learned about Oakley Benson’s work online. Yes, before any of you say anything, I know how to use a computer,” Grandma adds, and laughter breaks out. “Anyway, I emailed her and nearly begged for her to come out and paint a scene for the farm. She’s also dating my grandson.”
My cheeks heat. This is not what I expected her to do.
“Stand up, Finn! Wave at everyone.”
I force a smile and do as she says. Oakley beams as she moves closer to the microphone. She clears her throat, and I can see her blood pumping hard by the pulse in her neck. It’s adorable to see her so nervous.
“Mrs. Bennett. Before the big reveal, I’d like to give you a small gift, a thank you for giving me a chance.”
Grandma looks surprised as Oakley hands her the small canvas. Instant tears roll down her face, as I expected. Asmy aunt and Mom surrounded Grandma, Oakley takes the opportunity to pull the sheet from the large painting.
The audience breaks out in applause and gives her a standing ovation. Oakley’s overwhelmed by everyone’s reaction as she wipes her cheeks. My entire family grows emotional as they admire the painting. Even my grandpa has tears rolling down his face. The fact that she was able to paint something so realistic in such a short amount of time proves how incredible of an artist she is.
“I’m speechless,” Grandma says, and the crowd laughs. She thanks everyone for coming again and hordes of people move closer to the stage to look at Oakley’s masterpiece.
Several people ask her for business cards as she makes her way toward me, but she directs them to her Instagram page for all her contact information. After Oakley fights her way to me, she smiles and falls into my arms.
“They loved it.”
“I’m so happy they did.”
“Me too,” I admit.
“Ready for that hayride I promised earlier?”
She reaches for my hand. “Let’s do it!”
As we make our way past the crowd, chatting about Grandma telling everyone we were dating, we’re interrupted.
“Oakley Benson?” a voice I recognize shouts above the chatter.
We both turn, and I realize it’s Mayor Myers running toward us.
“Apologies for yelling your name like that, but I wanted to catch you before you left.” He sucks in air, then continues, “We’re having a town fall festival next weekend to commemorate autumn. We held an emergency board meeting since everyone was here, and we’d like you to paint for us next weekend.”
Oakley’s eyes widen, and for a moment, she’s speechless.
“Please. Money isn’t an issue,” he adds as he waits.
That’s when I remember that damn bet I made with Jessa and know she’s somehow behind this.Fucking cheater.
Oakley looks at me, and I hope with every inch of my being that she’ll say yes even though I’ll be in the hole eight hundred bucks. But I don’t care. I’d empty my savings for another week with her. Call me selfish, but I’m not ready for her to leave yet. Not when each time I look at her, my heart skips a damn beat.
A few seconds pass as the mayor and I wait with bated breath for her answer. And for a moment, when she hesitates, I’m afraid she’ll say no.
The mayor’squestion catches me off guard because I’ve been mentally preparing to leave this whole time on Monday. Though it’d be a huge honor.
“I’d love to take the job, but I don’t have a place to stay, and my flight leaves on Monday,” I answer. The last thing I’d want to do is impose on Finn’s space because I’ve already done that enough over the past ten days. He doesn’t seem to mind, but I can’t assume he’d be okay with me prolonging my trip by another week.