Page 49 of Falling for Finn



This feels like much more than an infatuation or acrush, but I keep that to myself for now.


I felt the same way when Everett and I first stayed at the beach house. But remember, everything works out the way it’s supposed to. Have faith, little sis.


I want the type of love you have.


You’ll find your Prince Charming. Maybe you already have.

I need to change the subject because it’s making me sad. No reality would allow us to be together long-term. Not with three thousand miles between us.


Enough about me. How’s my niece doing?


Amazing. She’s been keeping us updated on every little thing, and it’s feeling more real each day. Even did some baby shopping today.


And you didn’t send me pictures?


I will! We were so tired after shopping that we took a nap when we got home.


Sounds like you had a good time. I’m so excited to meet little Bluebell Rayne.

She sends me laughing emojis because we both know Everett is outnumbered on the baby’s name.


Me too.

I yawn and let Tiernan know I’m going to take a nap. Packing doesn’t sound appealing, so I’ll rush on Sunday to get it all done, as usual. At least then, my mind will stay busy after the excitement of the celebration wears off.

After we say our goodbyes, I go upstairs and crawl into Finn’s bed that smells like him and sex. I wish I could inhale the sheets or bottle up the scent and take it home with me.

I try to drift off and the dread of getting on that plane in two days creeps over me. Falling for Finn wasn’t something I planned or expected. Maybe it’s my heart playing tricks on me, but it’s never steered me wrong before, so why would this be an exception?




I wakebefore my alarm sounds. I should’ve known my internal clock wouldn’t let me sleep in. The anticipation and excitement of today’s celebration wouldn’t allow it either.