Page 32 of Falling for Finn

“Bye, sis,” Everett singsongs.

“Wait, don’t think I forgot about our agreement! Bluebell Rayne has an adorable ring to it, don’t ya think?” I blurt out quickly.

“Oh hell no. We’re not naming our child after a flower,” Everett responds, then looks at Tiernan for backup, but when she ignores him, he continues, “Babe?”

“I’ll have you know Ginger Halliwell named her baby Bluebell Madonna.”

“Who?” He scrunches his nose.

I roll my eyes at his lack of knowledge about the Spice Girls.

She turns toward him. “I kinda like it. It’s unique and beautiful.”

“Yes! I win!” I cheer.

“We’ll talk later.” Tiernan quickly tells me goodbye and ends the call.

I smirk, knowing she’ll wear Everett down until we both get our way.

Once I’m dressed, I throw my wet hair into a messy bun, then make my way downstairs.

“What’s your deal?” I pick up his shirt and boots before dropping them on the coffee table with a thud. “Can you at least try to clean up after yourself while I’m here?”

He chugs his beer and glares at me over the rim.

I scoff. “What’s up your ass?”

“This ismyhouse,” he growls. “But if we’re offering suggestions, stay out of my bed for once.”

I place a hand on my hip. “Pretty sure you liked me being in your bed this morning.”

He slams his beer bottle on the table, then stands and walks to the bathroom.

Jesus Christ. Someone must have pissed in his Cheerios because he’s being more of an asshole than usual.

Moments later, I hear the water running and let out a long sigh.

Hopefully, he gets over his problem by the time he’s finished showering because I refuse to take his infant attitude.




Yesterday after my shower,Oakley curled up on the couch with a book, and we didn’t speak for the rest of the evening. When she thought I fell asleep, she slid under the blankets and stayed on her side of the mattress all night.

As I stretch, I’m a little disappointed to see the spot next to me is empty, and the sheets are cool to the touch. It almost pains me to admit that I miss waking to the feeling of her ass rubbing against me—even if she did it to rile me up.

That was a part of our little game.

She knows my body will respond to her, even when I try like hell not to. Oakley’s gorgeous and witty, smart and sassy, but she’s too damn young.

And she’s leaving in less than a week.

Which is why I pushed her away after being too vulnerable yesterday. Talking about my past is one thing, but discussing my relationship with Aspen and how it broke me is something I never should’ve mentioned to her. There’s no point in getting close.

Opening up to her only opens my heart to break again.