Page 31 of Falling for Finn

“Nah, that’s not true,” Everett argues, but I know it is.

“It’s kinda true,” Tiernan interjects. “I mean, we would’ve gotten engaged eventually, I’m sure.”

Everett sighs. “Fine, I will agree to this ononecondition.”

I’m immediately giddy. “Okay, what is it?”

Just then, the front door opens and slams shut. I look to the lower level and see Finn wearing an angry expression.

Of fucking course.It’d probably kill him to be in a good mood.

“Great, he’s back,” I mumble with a groan.

“Uh, who?” Everett asks.

“Finn,” I tell them. “The innkeeper’s grandson whose only life goal is to make mine miserable.”

That’s how I explained who Finn was before we started fake dating. I’m still questioning why I agreed to that in the first place.

“The one you’re staying with while you’re there?” Tiernan smirks. We talked about this job for weeks before I flew here. I hadn’t realized I’d have a babysitter the entire time, though.

“Yep.” I grind out between my teeth, then move closer to the screen and whisper, “Please come rescue me.”

They snicker, and I glower at their amusement.

“Oh my God.” I roll my eyes as I watch Finn. “He tossed his boots in the middle of the living room, then flung his shirt on the couch. Oh, now he’s digging through the fridge like a strung-out raccoon. Christ, they’re raising barbarians out here!” I scowl, watching him trash the downstairs area. My painting supplies are on the table, and my canvas is still on the easel, and I almost yell at him to be careful as he storms past it. The last thing I need is his negative aura rubbing off on my masterpiece.

Now they’re both laughing hysterically at my expense.

“Just…give him a chance,” Tiernan says. “They’re culturally different up there.”

I furrow my brow at her attempt to excuse his asshole ways.

“It’s not that he’s a slob, but he’s also a jerk and all-around rude host. He brought a pizza in last night and ate the entire thing! Didn’t even offer meoneslice.”

“Did you ask for one?” Everett asks.

“No, but I shouldn’t have to. It’s called manners. Clearly, something he doesn’t have.”

He should’ve known I hadn’t had dinner since I had no way to get to the inn to eat. I’d expected him to at least text and ask if I wanted anything, but he didn’t. When he came home, I smelled pizza and anticipated him offering me some.

He’s either greedy or selfish. I haven’t figured out which yet.

“I’m gonna take a bath. Maybe you should too. Try to relax,” Tiernan suggests.

I scowl at the thought. “I’m not soaking in that tub. It probably hasn’t been cleaned since the day it was built, which was a hundred years ago. How could anyone forget?”

“Then take a walk to blow off some steam,” Everett chimes in.

I exhale slowly. “Shoving my fist in his mouth would help with that.”

“Okay, well, don’t do that. This is a great job opportunity, so don’t mess it up because you want to bang the asshole who won’t give you the time of day,” my sister taunts.

My jaw drops. “That issonot true. He’d probably give me rabies.”

“Oakley Jane! Be nice.”

I roll my eyes. “Fine.”