Page 25 of Falling for Finn

“She didn’t like the couch,” I clarify. “I woke up, and she was sleeping next to me.”

“Bet that was a new experience for you.”

“She’s a pain in my ass. Like a little sister who won’t leave me the hell alone.”

He arches a brow. “You sure about that?”

“I don’t know…” I sigh. “When Aspen showed up, I blurted out that Oakley was my girlfriend, so now we’re pretending to be together.”

“Wait…” He bursts out laughing. “Youwhat?”

I down my beer, mentally slapping myself. “It was stupid, but then Oakley went along with it, and now she’s staying at my house.”

He smacks my shoulder. “You got yourself in a predicament, huh?”

“Yeah, and now my mom and aunt are smack dab in the middle of my lie.”

“I don’t know how in the hell you managed all this in four days.” He laughs again.

I shrug, wishing I knew the answer. “She’ll be gone in a week. Then hopefully, things will go back to normal.”

“Is that what you want?”

I shoot him a look but don’t respond. My stomach growls, so I order a pizza to go and another beer. Then I change the subject.

“Guess I’ll see you Saturday,” I say, smacking his shoulder.

“You know I wouldn’t miss it. Plus, I need to meet this chick that has you all twisted.” He waggles his brows. “See if she needs a fake baby daddy or something.”

I grunt. “Shut the hell up.”

After I leave some cash on the bar, I take my food and drive home.

I can’t get Oakley out of my head, knowing she’s at my house doing God knows what. Being in an enclosed space with her fucks with me.

When I walk inside, she’s standing in the kitchen in front of her easel, facing away from me. Her blond hair is twisted up, exposing her pale neck. A smock wraps around her petite waist as she paints across the canvas.

She looks deep in thought while an audiobook plays from her phone, so I don’t speak. Instead, I sit on the couch and eat my pizza and then plan to shower before going to bed.

I don’t pay much attention to her book until I hear heavy breathing and panting.

“Count how many times I make you come.”


“Do it. Count. Now.”

My brows shoot up as I listen to the extremely descriptive scene of a guy eating the girl’s cunt while she begs for more.

“Fuck me. Please!”

A loud slap across my ass startles me until I’m crying out for more. “Yes!”

“Keep counting, sweetheart…”

My cock reacts as I envision Oakley bent over in front of me, taking all of me as she counts how many orgasms I give her.

Goddammit.What’s wrong with me?