Page 81 of That First Flight

No matter how much this scares me, I don’t think I could leave if I tried.

Oliver Ford has made me want things I didn’t think were possible.

I’ve barely seen the woman I’ve become obsessed with after she caught me fantasizing about her over a week ago.

It’s helped that Macey has been busy with new hire orientation and training all week. She leaves early and isn’t home until after the sun sets. I could be a selfish asshole and ask why they’re such long days, but she walks in the door with a smile on her face…and I couldn’t ask for more. She’s doing what she loves and it makes me happy to see her this way.

I don’t know what came over me that night in my bathroom, but after seeing her looking like that, I couldn’t get her out of my head as I waited for the water to run hot.

Next thing I knew, my hand was wrapped around my cock and I was about to come when she showed up. I’ve never come so hard in my life with her sitting there watching me. She’s beautiful, in every sense of the way, but it was sexy as all hell seeing her sitting on my bathroom counter in nothing but a skirt and her bra.

Mackenzie has been busy with school this week. On top of that, she’s been heading to Peyton’s daycare center immediately after school. It just so happened to be on the same street as her school, so Peyton has been picking her up and walking Mackenzie back with her.

Mackenzieloveskids despite being one herself. She likes the idea of ‘working’ and helping Peyton with the little ones. I think it has a lot to do with the circumstances she grew up in and she’s so damn good with them too. She holds more patience than most adults.

Needless to say, I’ve barely seen both of my girls.

I’ve turned down a number of trips since Macey walked into my life. I want to go on them, trust me. But I hate the thought of leaving her and Mackenzie. They both have this insane chokehold on me and it makes me want to stay put for the first time in my life.

My phone buzzes on the end table next to the couch, and I pick it up to see Logan's name flash across the screen.

“What’s up?” I answer.

“Eww. What’s up with you?” he snaps. “No, hi. No, how are you? What am I, chopped liver now?”

I can’t help but laugh. “You’re so dramatic, you know that?”

“Can’t help it. I’m losing all my friends here.”

“You are not losing all your friends.” I roll my eyes even though he can’t see me. “Miss me, Logan?”

“Whatever,” he scoffs. “What are you doing tonight? Do you want to head out for drinks? I have a Saturday off for once in my life.”

There’s a part of me that really wants to take him up on that offer. Trips aren’t the only thing I’ve skipped on since she’s been here. I’ve missed the last few Wednesday’s with the boys because I’d rather be here.

“Not tonight. It’s Macey’s first night working.”

“And?” he says. “It’s not like she’s going to be there. What are you going to twiddle your thumbs all night while you stare at the front door waiting for her to come home?”

“I might.”

“How am I still friends with you Ford brothers?”

“Because we’re the only ones you have in the city beside those guys you work with.”

He groans. “You’re so annoying. If you change your mind. Call me.”

He hangs up on me, and I just laugh.

Typical Logan.

Just as I place the phone back down on the end table, Macey catches my eye as she walks into the kitchen. My eyebrows furrow in realization that she’s not dressed for work. She’s wearing sweatpants, an oversized tee, and slippers.

I jump off the couch before I can think of anything else. “What are you doing?”

“Getting a drink of water?” Macey says as she fills her glass before making her way over to the couch and sits down. She tucks her legs under her small frame and grabs the remote.

“Don’t you have your first night in the kitchen tonight?” I ask.