I’m so sick and tired of not believing in myself when everyone else does. I’ve been wired all the wrong ways. I’ve been made to believe I’m not worthy of having anything I want in life.
But Mackenzie believes in me.
Flora and Samuel believe in me.
Oliver believes in me.
All the most important people in my life.
“You’re right, babe.” I rise from the chair to round the island before I bring her body into mine for a long embrace. “Thank you for that. I needed that kick in the butt to remind myself.”
“I won’t actually kick you in the butt.” She laughs as she returns the hug.
“You little jokester. Back to cooking. It’s almost dinner time and I’m willing to bet you’re starving because I know how you get when dinner time rolls around.”
“Yeah, I gethangry,” she retorts. “Is this pan big enough?”
“It’s perfect.”
She continues her prepping and my phone dings in my pocket with a text.
On a scale of 0-10, 10 being absolutely… How ready are you for your interview Monday?
I can’t help but smile down at my phone.
I’m beyond ready for my interview, but it doesn’t lessen the anxiety I have in my gut that I might not be good enough and that they might see I don’t have enough experience for the position. As annoyed as I was about it being pushed back a week, it worked out for the best.
I give myself a 6 on that scale.
We need you at a 10.
My plans tonight actually include a deluxe breakfast for dinner made by Mackenzie and then looking up interview questions they might ask me on my laptop for the rest of the evening.
Then I should be at a 10.
It’s true.
As far as the cooking aspect of the interview goes, I’m as prepared as I can be. I’ve been practicing and studying fine dining cooking for years. I even downloaded the restaurant's menu and studied it from top to bottom. Everything on it is fairly easy to make and I’m eager to learn how they put their own spin on each item.
It’s the questions part of the interview that has me stumped.
What will they ask me? How will I answer them?
Will they ask me why I didn’t attend a famous culinary school?
Will that be why I don’t get the job?
Just be yourself. They're going to love you if you just do that.
I stare at the words, unable to find anything to reply to that.
Just be yourself. They’re going to love you.