The room clears out and then it’s just Macey and I.
My chest feels tight.
All of a sudden I can’t breathe and I feel sweat beading down my back.
It’s probably this damn suit.
I hate suits, but I remember so clearly the words Mackenzie said to me about it being her weakness.
“Oliver. You did all of this for me?”
I nod.
“You have no idea how much this means to me.” Macey takes my hands in hers closing more of the distance between us.
“I love you, Macey Evans.” The words come out on their own accord. I can’t stop them. I can’t hold them back anymore. “I never knew I wanted to build a life with someone until you came into my life. I want to travel with you. I want to slow dance in a parking lot with you. I want to cook meals with you and enjoy them together as a family. I want to wake up to your smile and go to bed with you in my arms. I’m so far gone for you.”
I scan Macey’s features and see her glassy eyes staring back at me. “I love you too.”
I can feel my eyes tear up and finally release the breath I was holding. For weeks I’ve been wanting to tell her how I feel but I was so nervous to put my heart out there. Hearing the confirmation that Macey feels the same way I do is a dream come true.
I cup the back of her head, bringing her lips to mine and closing any space that was between us. She grips the lapels on my suit keeping me in place. I love the way my body feels when she’s this close.
She’s like coming up for air after being held under water.
I pull my lips off of hers. “Can you say it for me again, babe? I need to hear it one more time.”
She presses to her toes, lips brushing mine as she says the words into my mouth. “I love you, Oliver Ford.”
“I’ll never stop wanting to hear that.” I smile wildly before kissing her again.
“Then I’ll never stop saying it.”
“Tell me I can take you home now?”
Her cheeks blush because she knows I need her in my arms and her body wrapped around mine. I can go to bed with a smile on my face just holding her in my arms and be the happiest man on earth.
“Let me finish cleaning up and we can head out.” She turns to leave but stops herself and looks over her shoulder. A smirk forms on her lips. “Oh, and by the way…” She pauses. “It’s Genevieve.”
I furrow my brows in confusion.
“Macey Genevieve Evans.” She winks and retreats to finish cleaning up.
This is the greatest night of my life.
“Come on, Mackenzie,” I call out into the backyard of Peyton's house. “It’s getting late. We’re going to cut the cake.”
We’re celebrating my baby girl's ninth birthday tonight. It’s hard to believe she’s already nine, honestly. It feels like just yesterday they placed her on my chest. Ten tiny toes. Ten little fingers that wrapped around mine almost instantly, like her small body knew I needed her more than she needed me.
We both have grown up so much over the years.
I’m proud of the little girl she’s grown into.
She’s more herself than ever.
Mackenzie, James, and three of her friends from school come barreling into the kitchen like bulls in a China shop, ready for cake. I don’t know how they have any energy left. They have been bouncing around for five hours now, long after the sun has already set.