“Well, take it in.” Jan beams. “You’re the next head chef!”
“Oh and not to give you more pressure or anything… but you have to pick a name for the restaurant too.” Kevin laughs. “Frank and his wife can’t agree on anything, so they are leaving it up to you.”
Jesus Christ. What is happening tonight?
Just when I think my dreams have finally come true, life tells me I deserve more.
That’s when I make a decision.
I throw my towel down and head right through the kitchen doors to tell my parents exactly that.
After Macey texted me that her parents showed up again at the restaurant, my body has been flooded with anger. I have fought the urge to drive over there and deck her dad in the face for allowing her mother to talk to her that way.
I tried to call Logan to get an idea of what can be done, but of course he didn’t pick up his phone. He’s probably the worst person to get in touch with lately if you need anything.
Mackenzie went to bed about an hour ago and I’ve just been pacing the living room with my phone in my hand waiting forsomeoneto get in touch with me.
Macey, if she needs me. Her coworker, if she has another breakdown. Logan to call back.
I’m pulling out a tub of ice cream to calm my nerves when my phone buzzes on the counter. I reach for it so fast that the quick movement pulls the bandage I have on my chest, courtesy of my appointment earlier today.
“Fuck. Hello?” I answer.
“Are you alright? You sound like you just stubbed your toe on the corner of the wall. Those will jump out at you, ya know?” Logan jokes.
“You’re hysterical,” I deadpan.
“Sorry I missed your call. How did today go with your appointment?”
“It was a bitch but that’s not why I called. I need your help with something.”
“Straight to the point. Shoot.”
I breathe out a sigh. “So last week, Macey’s parents showed up to her work. They were harassing her and said some terrible things and threatened to take Mackenzie away from her.”
“Oh shit,” he says almost under his breath.
“Yeah. I can’t let that happen. Since then they showed up earlier this week when she wasn’t there and then again tonight. She texted me that she’s okay but I don’t know if she spoke with them or decided to let them be. I can’t help but worry. Is there anything we can do to stop this?”
“You can file for a restraining order. Being that they don’t live in the city, the best option is to just drive them out of town. They don’t have much pull because Macey is a stable mother, doesn’t do drugs or drink, provides for her daughter, blah, blah, blah,” Logan tells me.
“Okay. Okay,” I repeat as I start pacing the kitchen again. My chest is on fire and unsure of how to process this. I don’t want to take extreme measures if we don’t have to, but I know that I will do anything to protect them and keep them safe.
“Regardless, I wouldn’t worry,” he reassures me. “Macey is a good fucking mom. You and I both know this. God forbid they try, you know I have your back. I’m sure the girls, Thomas and Marc would too. Neither of you are alone in this. You have us. Family sticks together.”
Family sticks together.
I’ve always been so lucky to have the best siblings a guy can ask for. I got even luckier when Peyton, Avery and Kali came into our lives. Now, I feel like the luckiest son of a bitch to have fallen so madly in love with my Macey and Mackenzie.
With that comes the fear of losing them.
It’s something I can’t even think about. I don’t know her parents and how vindictive they could be with all of this. If they ever took my girls from me though, I wouldn’t survive.
No matter how much anyone was there for me.
I clear my throat to keep my emotions at bay. “Thank you.”
The door to the apartment opens and I see Macey walk in with takeout containers in her hands. I’m thankful she did because I haven’t been able to eat anything except for this tub of ice cream I was just going to force down.