Page 34 of That First Flight

That’s beside the point. Why is this here? It’s too much.

I googled it and they said this was the crème de la crème of cookware sets.


Are you ignoring my question?

I’m going through a tunnel.


That only works when you’re talking and not texting.

Well I can’t talk right now because we’re shooting for the new line.


Just as I expected, no tunnel.

Funny girl.


Seriously, Oliver. This is all too much. What are you planning to do with this?

I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed to do what you love.

I can’t remember the last time I felt this exhausted.

The plane rides, car rides and long journeys to get to and from each place is downright exhausting. I mean Florida isn’t that long of a flight, but the fact that I have a black-haired beauty occupying my thoughts every minute of the day has me eager to get home to see her again.

We’ve been texting non-stop since everything I ordered for overnight delivery showed up at the apartment. I probably went a little overboard, but if it makes her feel more at home then I’ll buy her whatever she wants.

Despite my urgency to head home, I’m making a pit stop at Moore’s for our weekly Wednesday night drinks with the boys.

A few years ago, we started meeting on Wednesdays here since it’s the day of the week they are the least busy. With how high profile my brothers are, we like to keep it somewhat low key.

Prior to the two of them meeting the loves of their lives, they were some of the most eligible bachelors in the city. Women would flock to them anywhere they went. So when we found this place, we realized it was the best option for all of us.

Logan also joins us more times than not, providing he’s not picking up overtime as one of New York City’s finest officers.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” Thomas teases as I take my seat in the back corner booth with them.

“Been a little busy. And don’t give me shit. My flight from Florida was delayed and it’s been the longest day.”

“Oof, that’s rough,” Marc adds.

The server comes by and takes my drink order. It’s been way too long since I had a whiskey on the rocks and I’m straight up craving it right now. Not to mention I need it to calm the nerves I have about seeing Macey soon.

“How’s the wife?” I ask Thomas.

“Peyton is great. Last week was the grand opening for her daycare downtown. Needless to say, she’s been pretty swamped.”

“No shit.” I nod. “Congratulations. How happy is she?”

He shakes his head and a wicked smile stretches across his face. “You have no idea.”