To add to the chaos, I’ve been at the new restaurant all week.
When I first heard about this from Kevin, I didnotexpect them to take action so quickly. Apparently things were already in motion.
The place was purchased and sitting vacant ready to go. It took one week for a team to turn it into the vision I was hoping for. It’s the opposite of Mollie’s so that people will want to frequent both.
Then, I spent this week getting the kitchen set up, showing the new staff what we’re planning on doing with the menu and making sure everything is perfect for tonight.
The opening night of Ollie’s.
Frank named the other restaurant after his wife, and gave me the freedom to name this one how I wanted. The atmosphere we were going for is bright and a fun time. Mollie’s is an upscale fine dining experience. I took that, and twisted it to make Ollie’s a night out people won’t forget with upbeat music playing softly in the speakers and bright colors everywhere.
Just like the man who pushed me to be the person I knew I could always become.
I know I would have made it here someday. Oliver was just that nudge, that support system, and that infectious smile I needed to stay on track. Him being there for me led to more than I ever dreamed possible.
I love him with everything in me.
I don’t know why I’ve waited so long to tell him, but now that the night has died down, I fully plan to run home after we clean up, jump into his arms and tell him those three little words, solidifying the fact that this really is the best night of my life.
“This was the best night ever!” my new sous-chef, Victoria, screams.
“It really was,” I agree. “I can’t believe we didn’t have one single mistake. There was no delay in orders and it ran as if we’ve been doing this for years.”
“That’s because we have the most badass head chef making magic happen,” my line cook, Trisha, adds.
“We’re a team. This night was possible because of everyone here. I know for a fact that word is going to get out about how great the service and food was and we’re going to end up being slammed.”
“I can’t even begin to tell you how many spinach and ricotta raviolis I made tonight.” Trisha laughs. “I have a feeling that one will be Ollie’s signature dish. I think that alone is going to make us busy.”
I had a feeling it would be.
I kept the menu the same for the most part, making a few small changes in side dishes, desserts and adding a couple pasta dishes to the menu—spinach and ricotta raviolis being the first one. The dish I tried so hard to make when I first moved here, and Oliver showed up to help me perfect it. It’s the signature dish. It’soursignature dish.
“Bring it on,” Victoria cheers.
“Let’s get this place cleaned up and head home so we can all celebrate,” I say.
“Woop woop.” Trisha dances.
We spend the next few minutes cleaning up as best we can but we get a few stray orders. It’s small enough that it only takes one person to get it together while the others keep up the cleaning.
Otherwise, we’d be here all night if we waited until the front doors actually locked to start cleaning.
“Macey,” the young server calls out from the kitchen doors. “Someone would like a word with the chef.”
“Oh, for fucks sake,” I groan out in frustration except that doesn’t stop the nerves from coming to the surface.
I thought we ended it. I thought they understood. If they are coming back with more things to say, I don’t think I can handle it. Nor do I want it ruining the greatest night ever for me.
I fire off a text to Oliver.
I think my parents are here. Someone is requesting a word with the chef again and I don’t know if I can handle it if it’s them again. I may need you.
Whatever you need. I’m here.
It doesn’t matter what happens outside of this kitchen, because no matter what, Oliver has my back. He’s always been my rock and there for me when I needed him. This would be no different for him.