It’s just taking my heart a minute to catch up to my brain.
“How the hell is it March already?” Logan asks.
“I said the same thing,” Thomas adds from the seat across from me.
“Listen, I’m just happy that we haven’t had any big snow storm hit here,” I chime in.
It’s our typical Wednesday night out with the boys. We haven’t met up in weeks because Logan has been working overtime and before the gender reveal, Thomas was busy taking care of Peyton and hiding the fact that she’s pregnant from us. As for Marc, he’s just been doing his own thing with Avery.
Which is why we agreed that this was long overdue.
“I don’t understand why you hate the snow so much.” Thomas laughs.
“I don’t understand how people like it,” I quip.
“I like it.” Logan shrugs. “It’s a nice excuse to sit inside and do nothing.”
“You already do that,” Thomas snaps.
“Among other things.” He stops himself as he eyes Thomas over the brim of his whiskey glass.
Thomas rolls his eyes. “I’m not even going to entertain the look you just gave me.”
“Good.” Logan nods with a shit eating grin.
“Anyway,” Thomas starts. “Any trips coming up, Oliver? I feel like you haven’t been away in a while.”
“That’s because I haven’t.”
“Is there a particular reason for that?” Logan raises an eyebrow. “Does the reason happen to have black hair and a kid by any chance?”
My lips curve over the brim of my glass. “Maybe.”
Logan's gaze snaps to Thomas before he puts his hand out for him. “You owe me fifty dollars.”
“I didnotshake on that.” Thomas swats his hand away.
“Hold up. Did you guys make a bet on us?”
“He did,” Thomas defends himself. “I said I wasn’t betting on my brother's soulmate.”
Logan wrinkles his nose. “And I said, soulmate sounds like something satan puts in his coffee. But I proceeded to bet that you would be in love with her by the summer.”
My mouth parts in shock. “I can’t stand you both. Where the hell is Marc when I need him.”
“He’s closing a deal in Brooklyn with Avery,” Thomas says.
I groan.
“You know you can talk to me about anything,” Thomas adds.
I release a sigh before I admit, “I just don’t know what I’m doing. My mindset has always been ‘don’t settle down’and‘you don’t need to plant roots anywhere to be happy.’ Which is why I’ve always lived the way I have because that’s what made me happy. Then Macey came into my life and I swore I wouldn’t get attached. But I did. I can’t get enough of her and find myself wanting more in life.”
The words hang in the air between us as Thomas keeps his gaze locked with mine.
“You love her,” he says.
Love? There’s no way that’s what this is.