Page 106 of That First Flight


Oliver learned how to make my daughter's favorite breakfast food so he can make it for me.

My throat feels tight while I take a seat at the bar stool.

“I wrapped our gift for James already this morning too,” Oliver says as he puts a plate of French toasts topped with powdered sugar in front of me.

This man really takes advantage of mornings. It’s nine in the morning and it sounds like he has an entire day of tasks completed already.

“Our gift?” I ask.

“Yup. We got him a plethora of puzzles that I know he’s going to love. I hope it’s okay that I put the gift is from both of us.”

“That’s…” I pause, trying to find the words. It’s more than okay. Is this the confirmation I was looking for not long ago when I opened my eyes and immediately wondered what we’re doing together? “That’s fine,” I choke out.

“You good?” Oliver laughs at me.

“Yeah. I… uh… I guess my mind is spinning a little bit this morning about what happened last night and what this all means for us.”

Oliver’s movement in the kitchen halts. He slowly turns around as if he’s a video that was being played in slow motion. A wicked grin plays on his mouth and I watch his cheeks dimple.

“It means whateveryouwant it to mean, Macey. I don’t know the first thing about relationships and what to do or how to do them. But there’s no denying that I want something with you. Anything you’re willing to give me. I want to figure everything outwithyou.”

I straighten under the weight of his gaze on me and my muscles tighten.

Do I want this?Yes. God yes, I do.

But I have another person to think about with every decision I make.

“But I have a daughter,” I blurt out.

“Is that who that other girl living in my apartment is?” He smirks. “I had absolutely no idea.”

I snort out a laugh. Leave it to Oliver to take every bit of tension in a conversation and completely evaporate it in thin air. I can’t help but relax with his sarcasm.

“You know what I mean.”

“Actually, I don’t.”

“It means I havebaggage, Oliver. Are you sure you want to get involved with that?”

He rounds the kitchen island before he swivels my bar stool until I’m facing him. With a small nudge, Oliver spreads my legs open and steps between them. He grips my chin between his fingers, forcing my gaze to meet his.

“Lucky for you.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips. “I like to travel.”

Then he walks away to continue cleaning the pan in the sink, leaving me frozen in place. Mouth parted like he didn’t just tell me he wants all of me.

The broken and bruised parts.

The past I’ve been fighting so hard to be clear from.

And my Mackenzie.

He wants all of it.

“We have to leave in a little bit,” Oliver breaks the silence. “Thomas and Peyton live in New Jersey, so we have a little bit of travel. Apparently there’s an accident in the tunnel too, so we might have to take the long way.”

“I’ll go get ready now then,” I say as I bring my plate to the sink. “You know, I heard Mackenzie also made French toasts for Emiline and her dog this morning.”