He didn’t give me room to argue, not when he kept my mouth busy. It must’ve been a trick he’d picked up from Zac, who kissed along my shoulder, clearly awake now.

Truthfully, this wasn’t so bad. Being sandwiched between two of the sexiest men I’d ever been with and waking up to wandering hands and mouths on me? I could get used to that.

What? No. No, you won’t get used to it.

We were leaving soon, and the door would be slammed shut on anything more than this one week of escaping reality. None of this counted when we were back in the city.

I thought that fact would bring relief, but all I felt was a dull ache between my ribs. Another entirely unfamiliar feeling that I wanted nothing to do with.

“I don’t do secrets and Idon’tcuddle,”I said.

I squirmed out of their arms with much more effort than I’d put in earlier, my pulse racing, and not in the I’m-so-turned-on kind of way.

“I’m getting hot.” I kicked the sheets away and scooted down off the mattress. “Is anyone else hot?”

When I turned back to face the bed, I saw Zac shifting across the mattress to take my place by King.

“I’m quite comfortable,” King said as he pulled the sheet up over their hips. “Zac?”

Zac snuggled into his side with a grin. “I’mverycomfortable.”

King pressed his lips to the top of Zac’s head and winked at me. “Well then, if you change your mind, we’ll keep a spot warm for you.”

My eyes narrowed on the pair who seemed to be taking great delight in my discomfort, their lips barely able to contain their smirks. But I didn’t care. I wasn’t getting back in that bed. They could snuggle, cuddle, make moon eyes all morning—count me out.

I didn’t do romance.

I didn’t dothis.

But as I reached the door to King’s room, I couldn’t stop myself from taking a final look over my shoulder, and wondered—what if I did?



WOW. WHAT A week.

I’d never gotten excited about spring break in the past, as a week of drunk revelry was not really my idea of fun. But a week living out every single fantasy I’d ever had—and some I didn’t even know I had—might’ve just turned spring break into my favorite holiday ever.

One thing was for certain—I’d never be able to think of this time of the year again without visions of East and King walking shirtless on a beach, dancing in the moonlight, and rolling around naked on every possible surface of the island retreat.

It’d been the best week of my life, and as I looked across the private plane to where the two men responsible for that sat, I realized I didn’t want it to end.

Which was insane, of course. And not at all plausible.

Out here, we were a world away from who we were back in the city. The titles and relationships we had with one another had melted away, leaving us to write on a blank page what we wanted to happen.

But the second we set foot back in Astor, East would revert to the leader of the Park Avenue Princes, the obnoxious pain in my ass. And King would become Professor Kingston, my boss andmentor, and possible leader of some organization who had their eye on me.

It was a strange predicament I now found myself in, yet one I wouldn’t change for the world. King had said a week. That was all this would be. And no matter how much I wished it could be more, I knew the other two weren’t interested.

“You’re being very quiet over there.” East stretched his legs and ran his foot up the inside of mine. “Worried you might get in trouble with your professor for not finishing your homework over the break?”

God, if someone had told me a week ago that East’s outlandish mouth would be a source of comfort and normalcy for me, I would’ve told them they’d lost their mind. But his ability to make a tense situation less than with his sarcasm was something I was really coming to lo—likeabout him.

A rumbling chuckle left the man in question, as King’s eyes found mine from across the plane. “I’m sure hisprofessorwill understand if he explains what he was doing instead.”

East gasped and brought a hand to his mouth, then in his best Southern accent drawled, “Why, Professor Kingston, that would not be proper at all.”