King glanced over his shoulder. “Don’t tell me I’ve finally renderedtheJames Easton speechless?”
He held his hand out, and shock of all shocks, East took it.
I smiled, enjoying the way King was slowly seducing him. I don’t even think East realized it either, because if he had the slightest inkling he was on a date, he would’ve run in the other direction faster than his legs could carry him.
King glanced past East to where I was watching the two of them and winked. He knew exactly what he was doing, and it was impressive to watch. It also, surprisingly, had me looking at East in ways I never had before.
“Time to wash this mud off, don’t you think?” King gestured to the waterfall then started around the edge of the glistening pool. “Let’s go.”
We carefully made our way around the edge until we reached the running water, and the misty spray of the fall felt amazing against my warm skin.
“There’s a ledge underneath the waterfall,” King told us, and reached for East’s shorts.
I quickly stripped and watched with hungry eyes when King did the same, and as his luscious cock came into view, my stomach flipped.
Fuckhe was beautiful, and seeing his body’s response to us was so hot I thought I might overheat. Then his eyes found mine, his message clear:Let’s finish this.
King disappeared behind the curtain of water, and when East just stood there watching after him, I nudged at his shoulder.
“You okay?”
East’s eyes were glassy with arousal, and I put a hand to his back. I desperately wanted to know what was running through his head in that moment, but I didn’t want to break whatever spell he seemed to be under.
Instead, I let my fingers flirt over the crack of his ass. “King’s waiting for you.”
“And you.”
“So let’s go.”
East licked his lips and carefully made his way under the rushing water, and the second we were hidden from view, King reached for him.
Their mouths collided in a brutal kiss, King’s hands reaching for his face and holding him still while his tongue plundered. East braced his hands on King’s rock-hard chest and moaned, but the sound of the water was louder now that we were underneath it, and it drowned out anything other than the rushing of the blood in my head.
I moved in behind East, taking his hips between my hands as I aligned my cock with his ass, and when he thrust back on me, I cursed. God he felt good. He always did. His plump cheeks always cradled my dick just right, and that tight, hot hole was even better.
The mud on our skin was starting to dry, but the spray from the waterfall dampened it again, making the three of us a mess as our moans echoed off the cave walls.
King ripped his mouth free, breathing heavily, and reached for East’s hand resting on his chest. “I’m the one that got you filthy. Let’s clean you up.”
I took hold of East’s other hand as King led us to the waterfall and counted us off. We jumped through it together on three, falling through the air several feet before hitting the clear blue water. My fingers lost their hold on East’s, and when I resurfaced, it was King that ended up closest to me. He wasreaching for East’s legs and wrapping them around his waist, sliding his hands over his thighs and loosening the caked mud from his skin.
I bit down on my lip as I closed the distance, King’s broad back to me. Mud still clung to his body, and I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to run my hands all over him. He was just so beautiful. Theybothwere, and while we were here, in this place, there was no reason not to take exactly what I wanted.
Reaching for King, I slid my hands around to the small of his back and drew them up slowly, rinsing him off to reveal that smooth skin that had deepened after our week here. He turned his head my way, and instinctively I leaned in to kiss his full lips, my hands never stopping their mission to get him all clean. East was of the same mind, washing off the front of him, and when his hands dipped under the water, King let out a hiss that was so sexy it had my cock pulsing against his ass.
“Use me.” His throaty demand was directed at both of us, and he didn’t have to tell either of us twice.
King grabbed on to East’s thighs, holding him tighter against his body and keeping him afloat as East wrapped his hand around both their dicks, the water no doubt helping to make it a slick slide to get them off.
Meanwhile, I had King’s backside all to myself for the first time this trip, and those muscled globes were practically begging me to get off between them. I licked my lips and gave my cock a few strokes, anticipation building low in my gut.
I smoothed my hands over King’s ass and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. With my erection jerking between our bodies, I was making my intention clear, in case the ultimate top in our threesome wasn’t interested.
But King only met my eyes and said, “I told you to use me,” giving me the permission to do just that. Use his body for my own personal satisfaction.
Spreading his cheeks, I nestled my cock between them and began to rut up against him.“Oh fuck.” I dropped my forehead to his back and gripped his hips, increasing the speed as the sound of East and King’s moans and heavy breathing spurred me on.
King was letting us have complete control over his body, East from the front, me from the back, letting us dictate the pace, the action. With every thrust against him, I could feel the tug from East working them over. My release built fast, quicker than I’d anticipated, but King felt too damn good, and never having him like this was too much to draw out.