“Trust us, you’re unforgettable.” He brushed his lips over East’s, teasing and nipping at them before pulling back. “And that includes your mouth.”
NEVER WOULD I ever doubt a “King surprise.” The man knew better than we did what we wanted, and that was probably the reason he’d become so secretly successful.
A day of relaxation in nature’s spa was what he’d had up his sleeve. We started off with massage treatments on a quiet stretch of the beach under canopies before taking a dip in the hot springs nearby. Then we were led down to another private oasis—a mud bath, also the place where East suddenly started questioning his life choices.
“Just dip your toe in. It feels great,” I said as I slid into the warm, silky bath. It was immediately relaxing, and if East would just try it, maybe all that inner tension would melt out of him.
He pursed his lips. “I don’t believe you.”
“Just do it,” I said. “I dare you.”
“It smells like mud and…cocoa or something.” He bent down to examine it a little closer. “What’s the purpose of lounging in—Oh shit.”
King caught him off guard, yanking him down into the dark grey depths. The shouts coming out of East as he splashed shoulder-first into the mud had me howling, especially when he got to his feet and looked down at his mud-covered body with disbelief.
“Look at you,” I said, and whistled. “You’ve never looked sexier.”
He sent a wave of mud my way before turning on King, who wisely began to back away to escape East’s wrath.
“Come on, little prince. You have to admit it feels unbelievable.”
East narrowed his eyes, stalking King slowly. “Unbelievableis the right word.”
But the problem with East was that he became so focused on one goal, he completely missed the way I snuck in behind him. Before he could lunge at King, I wrapped my arms around him, pinning his arms to his sides. He immediately tried to squirm out of my hold, but I winked at King and then pressed a kiss to the side of East’s neck that hadn’t been dirtied up yet.
“See what happens when you’re not paying attention?” I said. “You get double-teamed.”
East stopped fighting me and went still in my arms. “Ooh, now that sounds like fun.”
King moved in front of him, scooped a bit of mud in his hand, and ran it over East’s chest. Those strong fingers kneaded his pecs before trailing lower, leaving streaks of grey along his skin.
East’s head fell back against my shoulder. “You’re right. This does feel unbelievable.”
I kissed my way down to the corner of his lips as King’s hands dipped below the mud, and when a soft gasp fell from East’s mouth, I was right there to swallow it. It didn’t take a genius to know what was happening beneath the surface as King’s armbegan to move, but the thick mud at least shielded us from any prying eyes.
East shifted against me, rubbing his ass up against my growing erection, and Jesus, I would never look at mud the same again.
I speared my tongue between East’s lips, tasting the alcohol from his drink on the way over, and King moved in close and licked a path up my cheek.
OhGod. This had to be one of my top three most erotic moments, as East continued to writhe between us and King’s mouth found my ear.
“How about we take this somewhere we can actually finish what we’re starting here…?”
“Take us there,” I said in a voice that I barely recognized, and King’s sensual smile made me want to lunge forward and take it with my own.
“Follow me.” He backed up and out of the mud, rising to his impressive height, and the sight of him standing there, his cock barely contained by his shorts, was a sight I memorized and promised myself I’d never fucking forget.
East stared up at the magnificent man in front of us, and when he didn’t move, I figured he was in the same sex trance I was, and that just wouldn’t do.
“Go,” I said, and gently urged him forward. As East waded out of the mud, I followed.
King strode through the lush grounds like he was one with everything around him. The colorful tropical plants with their vibrant colors and wide green leaves offered a shaded path as we made our way barefoot along the smooth stones toward the sound of burbling water.
King moved aside several low-hanging leaves like a curtain, and it was like we’d entered a whole new world.
Straight ahead of us, white, bubbling water cascaded over a towering rock wall and into the plunge pool below, where clear water sparkled under the sun and beckoned us closer.
“Holy shit.” East took a step forward, shaking his head. “This place is…”